
March? really??!!
I can't believe it is already March! Why do the good years fly by!?

I'm loving Farley's new look! Michelle is ah-mazing!! It looks fantabulous! and I love anything with arrows!

so here's what's up currently...

have you all watched true detective yet? I've been patiently demanding hub's watch the first episode so I could keep on watching! We have shows we watch together like, Mad Men, the Killing, etc. and this will be the new one! oh my God! It's so good! and creepy!

I watch a few on my own too! Scandal, The Following, as you can tell, I like killing and law!
I despise planning. I know it's best for me and the kiddos when I am well planned, but I am just not a natural planner! But, alas, it is required I guess!

I tried to finish up a few things before the sale...but I just couldn't! I started something, added to something else. Got my weather passages posted, updated them twice the same mind is crazy! I'll have a poll on my FB page soon! I think I need y'all to help me figure out what needs to be done! 

We will have our student-led conferences in a week and our data really needs to be updated. I have not kept up with it well this year. Probably because I have to keep the same data in 398 different places for my admin and I don't want to look at it anymore! 

what do you think MY question is...???

I also wanted to let you know about a bundle sweet Katie from Little Warriors put together for one of her little warriors. His name is Xaivore and here's his story

We blog hoppers put together a great fundraiser! Please consider donating


  1. Beautiful fundraiser! I posted it on my blog and FB!! Hope it is a HUGE success!!

  2. do you have something that i can post in my blog about the fundraiser? would love to help out.

    marie from
    lets swap ads?

  3. Don't feel bad, I'm exactly in your spot. Plans are not the most fun in the world - and data just the same. The good thing is that we always seem to get it all done. :)


notes to the teacher

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