Week two recap!

I pretty much am loving my kiddos. There's a few little heads I wanna pinch off, but the day wouldn't be complete without them! Sorry for the lack of pictures...I've been forgetting lately!

1. We have launched Daily 5 and made it to 17:05:09 on Thursday! Yes, we count down to the tenth of a second! They love read to self!

I have a great 70 minute slot of time right after lunch, but before specials that I'm using for Daily 5. I hope I can keep it this way, but I start our first science kit on Monday so we shall see. I still teach my science separately! I love it!
Can you guess what my first science unit is??

2. We also did our first Great Poetry Race this week. Nothing special: my teammie and I type up poems, add a signature box at the bottom, and the kiddos collect signatures for reading it aloud all week. Here's the winner...27 signatures! She gets the trophy on her desk until next Friday!
Amanda has a Great Poetry Race unit if you are looking for something!

3. I have also sorta started work on writing. We do 10 minutes of silent writing, then I am trying to do a shared writing time. This week I read them the article about the 700 plus pound gator caught in MS. {We have lots of hunters in our little town} and then I had them fill out a 5 W's planner about catching something of their own. I plucked up one of the girls plan and we wrote a story from it together.

4. In math we are working on partners of 10 and making tens to add quicker. I found a hilarious video on Discovery Ed if you have it! It's called the Number Crew: Ice Dancing. I highly recommend if you can ignore the horrid Thomas the Tank Engine-like Bristishness!
Here's some great making 10 ideas and free movie from Brain POP Jr.

5. Don't forget about our DAILY $50 giveaways at Owl-Ways be Inspired!


  1. I love that great poetry race! I have to do that, we are working on poetry right now and that would fabo for fluency practice!! Thanks!! I didn't put pictures in my FFF...I guess I need to do that huh?

  2. WOW! You got to 17 minutes very quickly - well done!

    I saw you on the front page of Teachers Pay Teachers - kicking myself I didn't take a screen capture for you!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. Wow - 17 minutes is GREAT! Our first day we got to 4 - ha! Small steps.....small steps.....

    Have a great weekend!
    From Mrs. Allen's Teaching Files

  4. Your Poetry Race idea is so great. Love that they collect signatures of people they've read it to. Spot on!


notes to the teacher

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