12 December 2012

12 in 12

I just had a day full of numbers! I reached 999 followers on TpT and 900 on the blog-o this morning!
So why not link up with Teeny Tiny and Miss Kindergarten for their 12 in 12 linky.

So here goes

12. favorite movie you watched
hmmm, at the theatre, it would have to be The Hunger Games.
Not only did I get Mr. Lamb to an actual theatre with soda and M&M's in my popcorn, but our 13 year old joined us too!
Plus, it was awesome seeing the girl on fire! Man, I'd wear that outfit every.single.day!
AND...I've been to District 12! oh yea...{read about that here}

11. favorite tv series.
Easy. SOA. Or Sons of Anarchy for you nonwatchers.

no words are needed friends and my husband is ok with it
10. favorite restaurant
on any given day I'd say McDonalds. Best Diet Coke and fries in town.
But, since people might laugh at that, for the moment it is Hickory Tavern.
It started in my little ol' town and it's a little franchise now. We go at least once a week. mmm, philly steak and cheese and homemade potato chips.

9. favorite new thing you tried
well, it could be the lamb I tried for the first time last week at a fancy restaurant, or could be BB Cream, it's a toss up!

8. favorite gift you received
my Reasons I Love Mrs. Lamb jar-seriously. 
Not being a dorky teacher-I toss plenty of crappy gifts!
It doesn't get better than this!
8. favorite thing you pinned

ok, weird, but I love knowing stuff I make are in other people's classrooms! Especially if that person happens to be Amy Lemons! haha!

6. favorite blog post
probably how to fix the no reply blogger issue if you use Google+. I get more comments from NON-teachers on that post all.the.time.
And thank you emails too!
You can google it!

5. favorite accomplishment
making the paper check club.
A year ago, I was banking about 80-100 a YEAR on TpT, now that's a good day.
It has changed me as a professional. I feel I can reach beyond my own little rural school. I know their are so many of you who make thousands a week and you inspire me everyday! It has been a live changer for so many teachers!!

4. favorite picture
I actually took this one. {squeeze}

I tell ya. Instagram makes anyone look like a good photographer!

3. favorite memory
oi, sad to say it's not family involved, but I had a blast at the Carolina Girls Bloggert meet-up! I feel I made some actual friends beyond the keyboard!

 2. goal for 2013
well, not that I ever meet them, but I guess it would be to up the ante on my planning.
You see, I am a fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl. sometimes.
well, never except when it comes to planning.
I hate planning for school. But this year we are required to use On course, so everything has to be posted by 7am Monday. SO I plan, every.single.week.
I'm proud.
I need to keep it up!

1. one little word...
I mean I am sure you can tell I am oh, so positive all the time. But believe it or not. sometimes, I get a little fiery.
I get annoyed easily
I get upset with other teachers when they act like meanies
kids get on my nerves {sometimes}
so I need to keep a positive outlook! I need to be more of a positive Patti than Debbie downer...
maybe that's my goal! But I won't meet it either...
happy 12/12/12 especially to that kid who turned 12 today at 12:12! My kids thought that was awesome!


  1. Love your favorite memory ;) It was great meeting you!!!!

  2. LOL! I like your truthful goals for 2013! Patience {with kiddie grown ups} is a virtue, I'm kind of lacking in so I can relate! Your blog name is really catchy! Thanks for sharing! =)

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  3. I loved going to that Carolina Blogger Meet Up but I hate that I didn't get to chat with you other than a quick hello. I love your blog - it's one of my favorites! Wished we could have talked more - esp about tattoos - I want another one for my boys and have pinned a bunch of ideas but haven't settled just yet. Addictive aren't they?! I have those same reading posters of yours in my room - I love them! Happy Holidays!

    Simple In Second


notes to the teacher