09 December 2012

week one with Elfie

Yes, after THREE, count em, 3 votes and a tie breaker from another class, the name Elfie was chosen. I personally voted for Peter, but hey! So here’s what Elfie has been up to.

Day 1

he’s pretty sneaky! In fact twice he has changed positions during the day…
I missed pictures on Thursday and Friday, but Friday morning we found a scroll hanging on our door and a little elf lady sitting in someone’s pencil pouch.

Meet Sally, Elfie’s ugly stepsister! Ok, she’s really a very creepy elf I’ve had in the closet a few years I found at TJ Maxx. I like her because she is bendable and quite offensive looking! But the note from Santa says she missed her brother, so here she is!

During all the fun, I have been benchmarking…boo! I wouldn’t mind if my kiddos were somewhat independent, didn’t rush through everything, and could work without talking, but who am I kidding! So we’ve been busy with Reagan’s Techy Santas, Hope’s Baby Face or Beard file, and Teri’s Elf Magic stuff. I have all my 12 Days of Common Core Christmas and a few other files printed and ready to go tomorrow! Fingers crossed.

Unfortunately benchmarking falls at the best time of year! We started our Winter Holidays scrapbooks Friday. Student groups rotated through 4 of the 6 {we ran out of time} and this week I will do one holiday per day! Tomorrow-Christmas! yay!

We will go through the Christmas power point again and fill in any questions we still have, we will create our Christmas Story comics {cannot wait!}, decorate our tree, read A Merry Un-Christmas and a few other books from Amy’s Christmas Craze pack, plus finish up our Santa crafts!

each group has a “reader”-only they can touch the laptop. It saves a lot of headaches!

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after going though the WHOLE slide show, they can work together to fill out the scrapbook. After the whole page is finished, they collect their sticker for that holiday.

And there’s nothing like a laptop decal from the Dollar Spot to make benchmarking feel a little fun!


I’m linking up with Mel D for a Elf on the Shelf linky! Our little elf will come home to have some fun with little Drewbie on the 20th!

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your ELFIE ideas! This is my first week with RUDY the Elf and we are having a blast! So happy to be your 900 follower! Hope you can stop by for a visit at the Critter Cafe!
    Happy Holidays!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

    1. yay! Thanks Julie. It is my first year with the elf and it's a hoot!


notes to the teacher