01 July 2012

Slow Sunday and a Custom Giveaway!

I really do not have much to blog about today! We were at baseball tournament ALL weekend. Middle Lamb was the catcher for 4 games in less than 20 hours. Check out this picture if this tells you how happy I was to be at home today!


And we were here Friday and Saturday all day! Bless their hearts! Just missed making it to Nationals, but I think we needed a break! At least I did!

In other news I am excited that tomorrow I will be on the interview committee for our new Assistant Principal. I was not all that excited when I received 10 resumes in the mailbox last week, but then I thought about it. I get to sneak into my classroom a week earlier than other people on my hall! I like being there all alone. I turn up the tv or radio and sweat it out. I will be arriving a little early for those interviews! My classroom is completely empty right now because they ripped up the carpet. I am anxious to see the tile. I have already started sketching out where things will be. I love having options!

And now for that custom giveaway. I gained over 100 followers last week during my wbt sereis! That tells me people are interested in trying it out. I may even take a trip to a conference with a blog buddy if I can convince Mr. Lamb I will not be abducted! I have been working on 2 classroom themes for the past month. I have bits and pieces posted on TpT, not to mention the WBT starter packs {now free} on there, too. I wanted to offer up a FREE CUSTOM wbt pack in any theme of the winner’s choice. Here are the deets.

1. 5 rules posters
2. Practice cards
3. BInder cover for all your free ebooks
4. scoreboard icons
5. Power Pix headings for math and ela
6. Super Improvers wall heading and icons for student stickers
7. anchor charts for the Big 7 and genius ladder
8. parent letter
9. Optional Clip chart if you will use one
All this will be coordinating with any theme of your choice.

You can choose from ANY Thistlegirl set, and most any KPM or Melonheadz set. I can also work with a color scheme if you so choose! And it’s easy to win!! Just leave me a comment telling me what aspect of wbt is the most intriguing to you or something you would like to try this year. Oh, and make sure you are a follower!

Little Lamb and I just painted our nails with my new magnetic polish! Exciting. I snagged some doing a little Target shopping of course! We got the third color-it matches Mock Sunkey. Happy July!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi! I like you am a tattooed teacher..working on new one.. I am new to the whole WBT thing..but I find it so exciting! I love the positivity and the flow. I've seen some videos and I am pumped to start some elements in my new classroom next year. I think I will start simple and add more as I feel more confident. For sure going to do the Class? Yes! And the Teach!ok! part.


  2. I find your posts on WBT very informative and am still new to the concept. Will keep reading more about it!

  3. I am going to try some of WBT next year in my classroom. I really like the mirroring the students do.


  4. I would like to try the "Teach" part:)
    My Second Sense

  5. I loved your series this past week. It helped explain some of the points that I haven't full understood. I love the idea of using all of the aspects, but have only incorporated the class-yes and teach-okay into my classroom thus far. I plan to incorporate the rules and such this year :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  6. I am going to be a first year teacher, so I am really looking forward to implementing WBT into my classroom. I love the interactive callbacks and movements!


  7. I really need to learn even more about it..see how I could utilize it.
    First Grade Blue Skies

  8. I am brand new to WBT, so I am going to start with the Class/Yes and Teach/Ok and take it from there.

  9. I first heard of WBT and Power Teaching through a cooperating teacher. I love the use of gestures and teach-okay! It keeps the day moving and students don't have enough time to goof off because they are constantly engaged!
    The Gypsy Teacher

  10. I'm loving your WBT series! I have learned so much so far! I dabbled in WBT teaching last year, mostly "Class-Yes", but I also tried "OK Teach"...which I'd like to do some more of this year...the whole concept just seems like a big fat DUH to me...like WHY NOT do WBT?

    Crossing my fingers for your give-away...what a great prize!

    Across the Hall in 2nd

  11. I have just discovered WBT. I am excited to start using it this year, especially since the kiddos were a challenge last year. Hopefully this will make my room focused.

  12. I'm new to WBT, so I'm starting off with implementing the 5 rules and taking it from there. I'm excited to continue to learn about it! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  13. Keep blogging...PLEASE! I really admire your outlook and enthusiasm for teaching! :) I am still new to teaching(heading into 2nd year) and am glad that I can read your outlook on WBT. I have decided to do the rules and scoreboard first and slowly ease in to other WBT ideas.

  14. I love WBT! The most awesome part are the gestures that I use will my SEI class! I think that has made a huge difference! LOVE IT!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  15. Ohmyhotness! We hit 102* this week, so I feel your pain! I dabbled in WBT last year and am excited to implement even more of the techniques this year, such as the super improvers and power pix. I am going to the free conference in Ohio next week! :) PS: That nail polish looks like a lot of fun!

    EduKate and Inspire

  16. Please come. =) We won't get abducted!!

  17. The Class Teach aspect I'm very interested in trying.


  18. @Ginger SnapsHe is so funny! I mean It's Missouri! I've got to look into flights, too. I really wanna come!!!

  19. I wanted to let you know I am awarding you The Versatile Blogger Award! Check out my blog for details!

    Mrs. Wood's Class

  20. This will be first year trying some of the WBT practices...class/yes, teach/ok, mirror, switch, STAR homework, and scoreboard. What an awesome giveaway Rachel!!!!

  21. I have loved your posts on WBT. I want to ease into it, so I am going to start with the rules and score board. We have to use the Stop & Think behavior program at out school, so I'm going to look for ways to incorporate this with that as well.

  22. I have read and reread your posts on WBT. Then I went back to the website and began to read what I didn't have time to skim over last year. I had bitten the hook and set a summer goal of learning more and choosing what to try first for the next school year over the summer. I just knew in my heart that I was doing my little K5 active boys and a handful of girls a disservice because they were not staying engaged in my lessons. I know I need to up the active participation and play to their competitive natures in a positive fashion. I'm so excited to go back to school in August as a "new teacher" with lots of new ideas!

    Donna W.

  23. I only started a few simple tactics in the last couple months of school, but I'm really excited to figure out the rest of the theory and how I can use different tactics. I shared a set of rules posters to begin the year in the right directions {http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Whole-Brain-Teaching-Rules-Posters} and I've been loving all that you are sharing! Thanks for the giveaway.
    - Amanda {avphilli@gmail.com}
    Inspired in Second

  24. I am also brand new to WBT, so I am going to start with the Class/Yes and Teach/Ok strategies. I am going to research more about it on their website!

    Lindsey - lmburto@gmail.com

  25. I will be starting wbt this school year. I'm so so so so so excited about it. I'm most intrigued about claaaas yeeees? I think it's pretty amazing that you can grasp their attention in such a fun way!


  26. I am new to WBT, but am implementing some aspects this year. Your blog in try helpful as I try to work it all out!

    Pitner's Potpourri

  27. I'm excited to use the Class, Yes and the scoreboard. I'm just starting, so I think that would be perfect! Thanks for having this giveaway!

    Miss A's Kindergarten

  28. I just found out about this and your blog. I can not wait to start ths in my class this fall! I'm also going to start the daily 5 too. I have your blog on my favs too , so I can refer to it with wbt.

  29. I want to learn more about wining through transitions...much more engaging tomstudents and they seem to remember routines better!

  30. I have been reading about Whole Brain Teaching and honestly? All of it is fascinating. I love routines and rules and transitions (especially something super simple as Class? Yes!)

    Creative Undertakings

  31. I am new to WBT and would love to learn more about it and incorporate it into my classroom. I have enjoyed your posts about it!

  32. Oops...forgot to add what intrigues me most...Teach! Ok! and the Genius Ladder are things that I want to know more about.

  33. I would like to say that I am intrigued with the mirroring aspect of WBT.


  34. I want to learn more about WBT, so I am wide open!


notes to the teacher