30 June 2012

Sock Monkey, That Funky Monkey

Gotta love the Beastie Boys! I am sure they wouldn’t mind supplementing sock money for brass monkey…

And here’s the video just in case I’ve confused you!

Anyway-I have finally finished up our little sock monkey friend classroom theme. I have never made a theme for anyone else to use, so I would love to have some followers go through the file and give me feedback. If you’d like a FREE sock monkey theme, just leave a comment, with your email, and pinky swear to give me some feedback asap! =) I’ll send to the first 2 commenters.

Here’s a peeky at the funky monkey. It really turned out better than I thought. I love the uniqueness-I don’t think anyone else at school will have a room like this one! I used bright colors in 3 patterns to make each and every piece unique. It all coordinates with my funky owl color theme in my classroom {I only use schemes, not themes, I’m a schemer!} I think he’s pretty versatile too! There is also a clip chart and welcome sign that are not pictured.




all graphics from Melonheadz Illustrations and KPM Doodles. Papers purchased from Erin Bradley and Dreamlike Magic Designs.

sb_15   sb_16




  1. LOVE the Beastie Boys!
    (pack looks great, too! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I think I will be singing that song all day long now! =)

    Your pack is adorable!

    Heather's Heart

  3. Wow! Have I actually commented in time to get something? I will say, though, that my theme is monsters again this year, although those class number labels sure are snazzy. So, I'll refrain so someone else can have the pack. Looks great!

  4. LOVE the sock monkey theme!! So cute!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  5. The sock monkey theme is stinkin' cute!!! Love it!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. Hi Rachel-Thanks for stopping by. Reading your posts and enthusiasm about WBT are really what got me thinking about trying some of the strategies!

    Your materials for WBT are adorable, too!

    Thanks for your comment and the WBT inspiration! I wasn't sure if you'd be back to see my reply, so I wanted to leave a little message here, too.


  7. You can get sock monkeys for $5 at Kohl's right now. Part of their Skippyjon Jones promotion.

  8. I just came across your blog today when looking for stuff on WBT. I LOVE the sock monkey themed WBT posters! I will be using them this year as I start my WBT journey. I would LOVE to coordinate all my other items with sock monkey themes. If you need more feedback, I would happily take the new set you just made. :)

  9. I am so sorry I missed the free Sock Monkey theme, but I LOVE sock monkeys! I have a giant 3 1/2 foot sock monkey named Max who "lives" in my classroom. If it goes on sale, I might have to buy it! I just can't afford $9.50 right now- but I added it to my favorites! That is SO cool!


notes to the teacher