21 January 2012

Linky Law Breaker

SO I am a rebel…

I am going to participate in 3 linky parties in one post…


Because I can! Because I want to do all 3! And because it’s just what time allows in my life!

1. Currently January…hosted my Farley {she really cracks me up} and this post is the 2nd I’ve seen on this pencil sharpener…I’m sold! Buying one this weekend! Maybe 2…

currently jan1
Let me explain a few…as you may know I’ve been out of school ALL WEEK. I had my wisdom teeth extracted Monday plus we have Monday and Tuesday workdays…technically I’m having a 10 day weekend.

PLUS…hubby is taking me on a weekend getaway to Green Park Inn. They have a green horse {not real…} like in Oz…need I say more!

Linky Party 2: A Day in My Shoes…hosted by Mrs. Klohn {this one just looks fun}

6:21 alarm goes off for umpteenth time {hubby hits the snooze and I don’t know how many times…he’s already up}
shower, dry hair, dress {this takes about 10 minutes…I never know what I’m wearing and I don’t like to wear outfits twice…weird like that…}
6:45 coerce my 6, almost 7 year old, to get dressed, promise him the world to get this accomplished. Though one stern look from Dad usually does it
{insert lots of hair straightening, shoe tying, geling12 year Old's hair, telling everyone bye here}
7:09 leave the house on a good day.
7:09:20 go back in to get my phone from the mail station
7:15 leave the house on a bad day
7:20 check email on in iphone on road with lots of lights to see if I need to know anything of importance before I arrive
7:28 get to school, pull into lot behind tons of car riders, wait on my 6 year old to gather breakfast trash and Legos from backseat
7:30 waltz in as the bell rings {if I’m lucky}
7:32 sign in 2 minutes late
7:33 walk to my room to let the kids in who are waiting and did not go to breakfast. remind students countless times to unpack at cubbies, pick up bookbags from floor {pet peeve}, threaten to throw away bookbags left in floor, remind them to highlight name on homework even though the sign at the homework box would slap them in the face but they still don’t do it, wait for morning announcements, check email again {gmail this time}, eat my protein bar, collect baked goods that counteract my protein bar from mommies of students, talk to my teammies Katie across the hall about whatever happened at home last night or this morning or kids or work or whatever
7:45 announcements and pledge
7:50 tardy bell which means kids still in breakfast are bringing it to my room {another peeve}
8:00 supposed to be started with day, but still completing task from 7:33
8:15 call them over to rug with math boards for first minilesson-phonics, which usually consists of a word ladder or oral srot from Scott-Foresman
8:30-Read to Self which is when I should have guided reading or should be conferring, but right now I am benchmarking which I don’t mind other than it takes for freaking ever…fluency, oral comprehension for each child til frustrational which can be 4-5 books worth…going on week 3 here…
9:00-call over to rug for strategy minilesson which may be with a picture book or our story from basal.
9:15 spend too long on an anchor chart cause the ones on people’s blogs are soooo pretty
9:30 Read to Someone-repeat 8:30 entry
10:00 bathroom break as a class…me: “lines”…kids: “lines, lines, lines” {you gotta use Whole Brain Teaching folks!}
10:08 Science or SS depending on current unit. Right now we are knee deep in economics and getting ready for Itty Bitty City {more on that next week!}If it’s science we are doing a lab from the kit
10:55 repeat of Lines…for recess outside if I’m up to it and I usually am…a girl needs adult time!
11:24 “Mrs. Lamb’s guys!”   And they dutifully line up on their painted letter on the sidewalk for lunch. DO you have your tag? Did you drop it? Where’s so and so?
11:29 Walk in to cafeteria {on a good day} Sit with my peeps at the teacher table which is also right out of the line of students walking by…give stern looks to rowdy kids or those trying to sneak back for ketchup…they know better…
11:54 stand up to leave cafeteria reciting “walk around the trash can…geez this is the 90th day of school!”59
11:55 let them in to the building from lining up outside
11:59 go to bathroom again
12:05 Math using straight Math Expressions lesson which I do like…
12:59 Lines!
1:00 take kids to block class, go to a meeting more often than not, otherwise go in room and chat with assistant about Wicket our bunny {well until Friday-he now has a new home with a student who does not have a 3 year old that abuses animals…that;s me!}
1:41 get to block to pick up kids late…
1:43 bathroom…again. I usually get to go this time, too!
1:45 Read aloud from Charlotte’s Web as they rest and come in from bathrooms
2:00 send kids that go out for enrichment {extra reading} on their way and begin working on PROBE notebooks, Accelerated Math, or something else I need to catch up on…It needs to be data notebooks this week!
2:25 tear out homework from Math workbook, write it down, and watch for little hands that are ready to have planners stamped {or signed if you flipped your card…}
2:29 announcements
2:30 bell…sometimes I walk out with bus riders like I am supposed to, sometimes I hide in my room with the lights out
til 3:00 make it back to my room from chatting, laughing, checking mailbox, etc.
4:00 leave on a good day!

ANd linky party 3: Love to Joplin…hosted by Mrs. Wills

cause they need some stuff y’all! Send your TpT units and goodies to edoennig@joplin.k12.mo.us then link up!

that’s it! Whew! It was fun!

1 comment:

  1. You sure do a lot in one day!!! That is one thing I love about 6th grade, it is predictable!

    Thanks for linking up!
    Miss Klohn
    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher


notes to the teacher