24 January 2012

Lots of Action! Verbs {FREEBIE}!

I have been scouring blogs looking for some good stuff on verbs, but, wow! There is nothing to write home about. I have gone through my Google Reader a dozen times. I found a few things at my old faithful-Teacher’s Clubhouse, but they’ve not updated this section in awhile…We only have a three day week and we will spend much of it “catching up” on assessments since it’s the end of the semester, but I need to review verbs in a BIG way.

Here’s what I came up with.

Click to download 5 pages of freebies!

Verbs Freebie

Let me know if you find it useful! I am working on some additions for a TpT packet…

And here are a few little pictures from my weekend getaway with the hubs

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You know those places that you’ve riven past a thousand times, but never stopped? That’s here! I have always been enamored with this green horse…could it scream OZ anymore! oh, and that sign…he does like to be “mounted”!

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The room was precious. And no false advertising! Jacuzzi IN ROOM..haha! I loved the footed tub! I miss this room bad as I sit here preparing for an 8 hour workshop with 120 people…no good!

And here’s some wonderfulness I saw from my teammie’s walls at school during our workday yesterday…sorry-they don’t turn on the lights in the hallways on workdays!

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so sweet! I had a picture or our bulletin board…but…not sure where it went!



  1. LOVE them! Thank you for sharing! =)

    Second Grade Silliness 

  2. Thanks for sharing! I know I'll be able to use this soon!!

    Abby @ Third Grade Bookworm

  3. Well, first of all...where have you been all my bloggy life??? I also teach 2nd grade a state up from you and reading back through your posts I TOTALLY laughed out loud at your earthquake picture!!...ahh the weird memories from that day!

    Secondly, I am adding your blog button to my little ole blog if you don't mind cuz I wanna' be able to get back here QUICK! It sounds like we are pretty similar in lot's of ways, I dislike HW, I use D5... as I read I am SURE the list will go on....

    and last...I noticed you used Letter Delights for some of your cutesy and AWESOME stuff. When I read over their TOU I was afraid to use em' for even freebies...can you tell me anymore about them?

    Sorry for novel! SOO glad I found you!
    2nd Grade Paradise

  4. Hey Stacy! Thanks for all the sweet words! As far as Lettering Delights, you have to use the commercial licensed stuff to be ok. Honestly not sure about freebies...and THANKS SO MUCH for adding my little button to your blog! I am your newest follower!


notes to the teacher