19 October 2012

I’m currently boo’d

Two birds {or bats, or ravens, crows, whatever have you this spooky season} with one stone here today. I’ve had my Currently finished since Farley posted it, but I can’t get my priorities straight. I mean, I know blogging takes precedent over planning…

so here goes {and I’m only number 328!}


ok, I guess the only explanations would be motorcycles and houses. I took Mr. Lamb to a Harley-Davidson Boot Camp a few weekends ago for his borthdaty. If oyu don’t know, I have a developed a slight obsession with Jax and the others on Sons of Anarchy. Now, after allowing my husband to watch with me, he also developed a slight obsession-but with getting a Harley! I indulged by taking him to this intro thingy. Well, that did it. He hopped on the bike and the instructor was like “oh, you’re a natural…” It was all over right then. BUT…what’s  more is that in the door prize giveaway, he won the course to get his endorsement! Sheesh!

PLUS our house is for sale. We love the locale, but were ready to move on. So we moved to my grandparents’ empty house a town over. I couldn’t handle having to keep a house clean enough to show! We went from 3 levels with 3 boys to one level with 3 boys…not an easy adjustment. AND no garbage disposal. I am not sure which is worse!

Now, on to the boo’ing: I’ve been booed by a few sweet bloggy buddies so I had to participate!

Maybe you've seen or heard of this fun "game" in neighborhoods or even at your school... but let's try a blog version!  Here is how it works:

if you've been booed, copy and paste the above pic and these "rules" into your post.

1.  Give a shout out to the blogger who booed you and link back to their site!

2. Share 3-5 October activities, books, products (yours or someone else), or freebie(s) that you love!

3.  Share the Boo love with 5 bloggers. Make sure you check this link to make sure you don't boo someone again:


And don't forget to tell them that they have been BOOED!

Here’s my typical Halloween loves {though this year I have 2 families who do not celebrate Halloween so I am choosing to leave out all witches and magic}…sniffle a little, but I like a challenge!

Hooray for Halloween from my gals at Lesson Plan SOS truly has it all in one file! I used it so so much last year!


My current obsession is my double double, toil and trouble matter mini pack. I actually left part of it with my sub today. SO cute! and easy to use!


here are a few favorite potions! Next week we will write about them.



I love to read my favs during this month, but I try to read things they’ve NOT heard before. A favorite is the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I was obsessed with the Disney quickie as a child. I couldn’t keep my eyes open with that headless horseman came riding through! Each year for the past 4 or so, I’ve read it aloud then watched the video on YouTube. Last year I added a visualization component because the descriptions of Brom Bones and Ichabod are so good!


Another goody I’ve used for years is my teammie’s Headless Horseman costume shopping activity. {yea, I like the Headless Horseman-could nay character represent spooky better!} grab this freebie!


and I’m boo’ing a few of you, too!

Katie Texas @ Rock n Teach-a fellow tattooed teacher! And she a doll!

Ginger-cause she’s an absolute hoot!

Shasta @ The Loop-because she’s also a hoot!

Kate @ EduKate and Inspire-she’s a sweetie!

Elizabeth @ Fun in Room 4B-so funny

and dear {hilarious} Lacie at Polka Dots and Pencils

ok, you may see pattern {4 of these ladies were kind enough to hang out with me at the Carolina Blogger meet-up!}


  1. We're making your Hallo-Weiner craftivity this week. Can't wait!!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

    1. yay! Please post some pictures! I can't wait!
      And fyi-we'll be doing your candy bar election soon! haha!

  2. We are in the middle of a long run of matter units that are pretty bland. I love your pack...how fun!

    The Hannibal series is one of my favorite book series. I was so lost in the book Hannibal Rising that I actually jumped while reading a part when a man spoke and nobody knew he was there. I've never done that again! The movies are also favorites of mine, though - I admit - I usually watch them when they are on TV, so they are a little less gory. ;)

    ★ First-Graders from Outer Space ★

    1. yea, I didn't pay too close attention! Matter is my favorite science unit to teach!

  3. Thank you, amazing job! This was the information I required.

    tutoring online

  4. What a cute way to do a matter lesson. We have been working on Matter for the past few weeks and I am so over it but maybe I will try this next week.

    I just started following your cute page!

  5. Thanks for the awesomeness of this post! I am off to check out those sites you boo'ed!

  6. I'm going to check out those awesome site you've booed. I also loved the legend of sleepy hollow video when I was a kids. I found you through farley's Oh Boy 4th Grade and her rule of 3.


  7. I looove the Legend of Sleepy Hallow. I read the children's version to my kids and then let them watch the Disney version afterwards. I remember watching when I was growing up and most of my kids have never seen it. It makes me feel old! :) Newest follower!

    Classroom Compulsion


notes to the teacher