29 September 2012

a disturbance in the dojo {freebie}

So, have you seen the new features on class dojo! Awesome!
It’s funny that the kids noticed them right away!

My fav is printed reports to pdf! yes! I have 4 parents without email, thus I cannot email the weekly report. Now instead of copying and pasting or printing from a webpage…ugh…I can print the report!


So since I first posted I’ve had a few teachers email me questions, but one teacher is really having a hard time with parents so I thought I’d share her woes since they may be yours too

“…They are thrilled to receive points and no CHILD has cried, whimpered or complained about a lost point.  Did I mention the kids love love love Dojo?

The parents, a different story.  Three have expressed concerns.  Two because the child lost a point for not doing homework and "after all it was not the child's fault but the parent's and can I please just give the child back the point?"  The third is concerned because her child is so worried because other kids have lost points and she feels so bad for these kids. …

So my questions are~Do you have parents like this?  Do you have any suggestions? “

so here are my thoughts…

No. My parents that have had an opinion love it because they can see it anytime they want. My argument would be that any system you used would have the same rules, consequences, and rewards. The website just makes it manageable. Would the child have lost a ticket or moved a card for not having their homework? yep. SOooo what's the difference. 

If your admin supports it, then there is no argument for the parent. However, I know this isn't always the case. There will be those admin who cave in or parents who simply look for something to complain about. 

As for the child who feels bad for the others, that's just part of life. Applaud her for having compassion! But really, wouldn't she feel bad for them losing a ticket, a chip, or moving a card, or moving down on a clip chart?! {insert eye roll here!}

Sounds like the parents just need a good little explanation letter. They need to be reminded that for the hours the kids are at school, there are consequences for their actions. If the kids love it, the parents need to get on board too!

so I was wondering if anyone else out there is having these issues?

and in other dojo news…I’ve officially had my first bad days with my kiddos…They drove me batty yesterday. So much so, I took away their Snazzy Snack {after they’d written up the recipe} and cut out planting in the garden day. errrr. Good thing it was Friday! Look at these sad point totals for the WEEK!


On a happy note, I always spotlight my point leaders in my newsletter. But I wanted a little something to award the kids for being leaders! I made this little Class Dojo Award Pack freebie, so scoop it up! It doesn’t reference dojo in case you do not use it. Just all karate-fied.



  1. I love Dojo as do my students and parents. I haven't had complaints yet and I have used the website for over a year. Thanks for the freebie, it looks perfect and I will start using it next week! I reward my top 3 students every week and they get to have a plastic cone from the dollar store on their desk for the whole week. We also hold a drawing each Friday and however many points students earn is how many tickets they get for the drawing. Dojo is the best huh? Love it!

    1. my kiddos spend their points every other friday...looks like mine have lots of earning to do!

  2. I take away points for homework not completed. I tell the kids if there is an emergency or they just couldn't finish it for some reason to have their parent email me and let me know, and I won't take away a point.

    Did you give your kids the student codes? Mine are obsessed with customizing their avatars.

    1. oh yes! I probably need to go back to the lab and let them update again!

  3. I haven't used Dojo yet but I do plan on using it. I love hearing how it is working for others. Thanks so sharing.


    1. you are welcome! it just is so instant and easy!

  4. Looks like a fantastic system. I love your freebie, Rachel :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  5. I just set up my class yesterday and plan on launching it with my kids tomorrow. Thanks for sharing the awards. They'll love them! Perfect timing!
    Teachin' First

  6. Thanks Rachel! I have lots of teachers using Class Dojo and these certificates are perfect!
    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  7. I had a similar issue last year with a parent because her daughter (who always has 100%) lost a point for talking. She just couldn't believe I would take a point away for something that doesn't sound like her daughter's actions. She insisted I was picking on her.. which is impossible to do to the sweetest most respectful kid in the class. Sometimes parents just need something to complain about.. However, overall the kids love the program, as do the parents and I!

  8. Just a few questions, Does it keep track of the points for the week? Do you reset the points every week? If so, does it still keep the information on the previous weeks? Thanks for your help. I use tickets in my class, and this seems a lot easier. I can't wait to get started!

    1. Yes it keeps track of points for the day, the week and the month. You reset each day and it keeps record of past points earned. So much easier than tickets!! And kids can even award their own dojos!

    2. Yes! It keeps track of points for the day, week, month... You can reset points each day, week, month, etc. And yes, it will keep record of points for days, weeks, months.. it's the best! So much easier than tickets! The best!


notes to the teacher