30 May 2012

We went to Africa Today!

and all the other continents, too!
lots of long “flights”, but we made it back to rural NC by 2:30! Whew!

Today was our Amazing Reading Race {Day 8 in the 10 Day ABC-ya countdown}
I’ll be honest, I thought today would be a bore-last year’s kinda was, but with fresh ideas it’s been the best day we’ve had in awhile!

first thing this morning we made suitcases to pack up and passports.
I had students clean out all the books from their book boxes and choose 7 books from 7 different baskets-each basket is a different genre

We all boarded the plane {our desks} and the lovely flight attendant{me!}explained the tour
We began in NY-students read to self here
then to Brazil where we laid on the beach and read with a friend
next we bundled up for Antarctica and since we wouldn’t be seeing another soul-we read to self this round
next we had an in flight movie cause the trip to Africa is looong {we watched African folktales}
after landing in Egypt we had lunch {for real} and our kickball tournament {it was the balloon surprise today}

you get the point!
at each “stop” a group left plane to go on a continent scavenger hunt {this entails them leaving the classroom so it’s a big deal!}
here’s the original idea my friend Katie found online {says says Kinder-but I can’t imagine how!}
she retyped the continent facts, added a picture of the continent, and taped them around the hallways near our rooms
I whipped up a chart for them to organize their info, the passport, and after coming home with thoughts of snacks made some little continent signs for a trail mix! So adorable! I told the kiddos each ingredient represented something from that continent. I will get the whole packet typed up and posted soon! Here’s a little preview

viewerviewer (1)

picstitch (1)
{1}the scavenger hunt {2}the outside of our suitcase {3}inside with souvenirs {4}N. American ingredient


tomorrow is Olympics Day!
7 days to go!


  1. Oh my goodness, this is amazing!!! I can't wait for you to get this typed up and posted - free or not! My kids will LOOOOOVE this! And since we don't get out till the 13th, you have a little bit of time left. :) :) :)

  2. Ohmiword!!! This is awesome!!! I can't wait to see the finished product!!!!


  3. Looks like fun! I love sneaking in social studies, too!

  4. ohmagoodness that is awesome! I think that would be a fabulous idea for any time of year! Can't wait till you get it posted (actually, yes I can. I'm already out of school!)

    :) Lauren
    Notes From Miss Dennis

    ps: I also turned 31 this year, and I love your tattoos!


notes to the teacher