07 March 2015

Five for Friday Seuss Week Edition! {freebie!}

This was our first FULL week in almost a month! Between Leader in Me Symposium, Leadership Day visits, and SNOW it's been kinda crazy. And it's been exhausting too! Nothing like returning work full swing on Read Across America Week! So here's what we were up to this week!

It's an EXTREMELY busy board, but I love it and everyone stops by to check it out! I bought the Seuss Camera app two years ago and I always use it, but this year I had them printed at Walgreens! So cute! and perfect for these little mini expert books! They range from a few about Pokemon, to chicken (as in the food), to Darth Vader (that's mine!) Here's a little tutorial on accordion folds if you need it, but it's really a no brainer! None of mine were perfect! I made 3 per sheet of white construction paper. They just worked on them while they were not in a guided reading group.

I love these! We are adding a little Leader in Me writing to them too, but here's where they hang their art as they finish! They love putting it on the board for "inspiration"! Download it here! You don't have to be a Leader in Me school to use it! I only added the 7 Habits to the large size writing paper! I also included ways my kiddos and I thought the Cat used the habits!

We had a different theme each day! But this is the only one I got a picture of! boo!

happy weekend!
and don't forget the Iditarod Sled Dog Race begins MONDAY! (they moved it back due to weather). So go grab my classroom activities file while there's still a freebie inside!!


  1. Where did you get the cat in the hat app?

  2. I found the app by googling. It's only $1.99 and very cute! 😀

  3. Great ideas Rachel! Which of Nikki's clipart sets did you use for this post? I want to make sure to grab it! LOVE your images! Thanks for sharing.
    Confessions of a Teaching Junkie

  4. The Cat in the Hat app turned out really cool pics of your students. I'm sure they loved this activity!

    Mrs. Harris Teaches


notes to the teacher