17 December 2014

"elf on the desk" tutorial

ok, so it doesn't rhyme.
But they're cute!
and super easy!
and you don't have to hide them, or move them, or make fake mischief!

So my Elf never showed this year. I suppose the kids scared him away. At least that's what they were told. But since we are doing Linda's Twas the 5 Days Before Christmas Break, and today's treat was "elf pillows," I kinda missed the little fella! So I printed off page size elf clipart and wa-la! Elf on the desk!

and here's how you can make your own!

 I used Powerpoint out of habit, but any ol' word processor will do!
Insert a rectangle from the Shape menu (insert>shape).
line the bottom up with the little elfie butt.
I then made my shape white with a thick black line for cutting. 
Just personal preference!
You need to send this shape to the back so it's behind your clipart.
reorder>send to back

self explanatory!

you are making a cylinder for the base. 
each tab back and tape them together. 
if they didn't cut too well or close enough, just snip to the legs to prevent tearing
once you bend little elf's legs forward, he'll sit right up!
the tabs serve as a little hiney. 

I used Krista's Elves graphics because those are what I used for Class Dojo avatars this week. Any elf will do, but you want ones that are good for coloring unless you're printing in color (lucky you if so!) You also need your elf to have legs that are pretty straight down so it'll be stable. 

and if you want to know how to do this...read my post from last year when our sneaky elf changed the kids to elves! FYI-you can only change them if the student has NOT logged in and changed it themselves. Last year, when the elf changed them, that was perfect because I could show them that I wasn't able to go in and change it! wink wink!

and while we're all here, congrats to YOU!
Angela got herself $50 in TpT goodness!

happy hump day!

1 comment:

  1. oh my.....I was loving your elf post, then I saw my name as the winner...but it could be someone with the same name.....I quickly changed screens to my email and sure enough there's an email sitting there from you that I hadn't noticed HAPPY DANCE!!! My sons may have come running to see what I was hollering about :) Thank you so much you lovely ladies for being so generous with your amazing products and giving them away, I cannot tell you how much it is appreciated! I'm now off to do check off products from my wishlist :) Merry Christmas to you both :)


notes to the teacher