05 September 2014

five for friday

shoo! Week 2 down!
today felt forever long!
do you have "assembly schedules"?
that's when your whole day is rearranged because their is a school assembly! makes sense
but having our whole day rearranged on the 9th day of school notsomuch
I have planing period at 9:30 each day
it's wonderful
a nice break between math and reading
but on our assembly schedule, my planning is moved to 11:30
and since we start at 7:10 AM!!!! it was a very long morning!
I wish I could put my dramaticness in my typed words here!
But it's all good now!
Monday-we did our first poetry race with partners

and read Louder, Lili
isn't their spelling cute!? ok, maybe not...

Wednesday-Race to 100 in our Math notebooks

Tuesday was our first Read to Self session...and by Thursday we had some amazing read to self stamina building going on! This group loves books!

and I found out I won a giveaway at MPM School Supplies
I have blogged about them before...because they have it all! 
and great prices and fast shipping!
and I always enter their bulletin board contests, too!
See our Superhero board? Vote for us! or enter yourself and vote for us! haha!

I didn't get to half of what I had planned for the week, so I am partially ready for next week! I'll hopefully be sharing my plans on Sunday with Deedee! TGIF

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like you have had a productive start to the school year. Loving that read to self stamina. Your school starts very early in the morning!! I get to school an hour before school starts so I am sure you feel like 7:10 is an early start time. I love your blog design!



notes to the teacher