10 July 2011

I wish...

Really Roper is having a classroom wishlist Linky Party! Why not as I sit and pin all these ideas on my Pinterest!

1. A Smart Board-of any kind! This IS a wishlist! and this won't happen anytime soon I guess.

2. This book browsing shelf. I think we may try to build one!

 3. and last but not least, a big rug where all my kiddos can fit! I have a Donor's Choose up right now, but they are expensive!

There it is! Not too much to ask for!

1 comment:

  1. A couple years ago I decided I wanted a big (expensive) rug for my classroom that I couldn't afford! At the beginning of the next year in my back to school info for parents I explained my rug dream and included a photo :) and then politely let parents know they could make a donation (instead of buying me a gift at Christmas or the end of year). Parent response was very positive and I collected enough to pay for most (over 2/3) of rug!!


notes to the teacher