11 July 2011

Back to School files

I am taking on a tedious task of organizing my files and uploading to Google Docs. The problem is I keep finding great stuff to save and/or remake! Here are 2 goodies I will use this year. A classroom scavenger hunt-fun, fun!
Click to Download

And the second is a graphing printable I used last year as a get-to-know-you-see-what-you-can-do activity! I called it Graphing Myself.
Click to Download


  1. Is there any way you could email me the scavenger hunt as a non-pdf so that I could adapt it for my 5th grade Science classroom? Thanks!

  2. These are adorable thanks for sharing!! How did you load these to your blog? I like that you can just click on the picture and it will take you to the document.


    Miss J @ smilecrayonsandendlessstories.blogspot.com

  3. Miss J-Sadly I take the long way! If I make it in powerpoint, I save the doc as a jpeg and pdf, and usually a ppt too! Then I upload the jpeg and hyperlink to the pdf...
    If I just save as a pdf, you can open it in google docs and right click to "view" it, then save the link to a picture...wow, I know!


notes to the teacher