04 February 2013

looky lou what I bought!

link up with Blog Hoppin  and Denise to share what you bought!

I seriously have over 150 items in my TpT cart, so when a sale hits, it's cleanout time!
This weekend I scored more goodies from my favorite ladies and some new ones too!
I have been spending like nobody's business lately so I needed decided to score some graphics rather than more files. Didn't happen!
Do you have TOO much to choose form like me?
I cannot keep up with what I have!
SO here's what I bought yesterday

{I apologize for no pictures, but TpT is being ugly right now}

Celebrating Black History from A Year of Many Firsts
I am new to her store and am quite impressed. I really just needed some info on George Washington Carver for this week, but it was worth it to buy this whole unit!

Valentine's Day Book Activities from Halle
I had no intention of buying anymore V-Day stuff, but I had to when I saw this umbrella. I picked up 2 books last night at Barnes and Noble!

Honest Abe min-unit from Sarah Cooley
Again, no need for more Presidential stuff, but I love Abe! And Sarah always has the coolest ideas!

Glittery Borders from Bubbly Blonde
Too cute, no need for more info! I am in the midst of updating some things and these will come in handy

And the Busy Teacher's Best Friend from Katie King
I am loving these and I've not used a single one! BUt they are always on hand!

OK, I know you see this fab new blog design? If not, get out of reader or feedler or whatever you're in cause it's gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much Erika! It is amazing and bless your heart for trying to work with teachers!!
and fyi-the kiddos really weren't that great today even after the wrath from Friday, so on to more stay at your seat and do not move for tomorrow!
AND, we went out to Petco to get an algae eater for my tank at school and came home with a new kitty. She's currently hiding behind the piano so no pictures. We've never had a cat, so here's to new endeavors  I've been craving a mammal pet for awhile!


  1. Thank you for the shout out! Can't wait to see your updated covers! I have more ready to go, but lack time to upload! Or maybe its just my inspiration to upload! I am in love with the background on your new blog!

    1. Oh gosh! I am loving your stuff! I don't know how I had not seen your store before!!

  2. Love your new design!! (and your fun purchases too!)
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  3. Your new design is fabulous! I love the colors and graphics. Thanks for sharing your good buys. It sounds like you had fun shoppping. Congrats on the new kitty. Have fun!!!


  4. You crack me up...go in for a snail and come out with a kitty!

    Love the new blog design...everything goes together beautifully: fonts, designs, colors!

  5. LOVE your new look! I'm considering a new look after seeing this! Jealous about the new Kitty, too! Have fun!

    Teaching Special Thinkers

  6. I love your design! It looks awesome! I bought Halle's V-Day pack too. Once I saw those adorable craftivities I couldn't resist. I can't wait to do them with my kiddos next week.

    Ms. Richards's Musings

  7. Love your new design and purchases! I am with you about the class being out of control. My kids are and have been a mess. I really appreciated your last post about it too!

    Stickers and Stamps

  8. Thanks for the shout-out! I nought your Chinese New Year unit...and I LOVEEEE it!

    Loving the new design too :)

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

    1. yay! We just need to do an exchange!! I cannot wait to use these next week!


notes to the teacher