23 February 2013

five for friday

Iiiiittt's Friiiiiday!! ok, it's Saturday, but I had to catch up on my linky parties!
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching again this week to share five randoms from my week.

This morning I woke up to 1000 followers. Honestly, I was stuck for awhile at 990...but here we are! I appreciate each and every sweetheart that reads my dribble each day! Blogging is such a sanity saver!

this is my favorite craft for Presidents Day. It's from Amy's freebie President's Day pack! {as you can see my kiddos love to use my magnets} I love Abe! He's almost with Reagan, but I love Abe! I can say I loved George until I watched the specials all last weekend on Nat Geo with Mr. Lamb. Wow. Mister Washington wasn't such a nice gentleman! 
Did you know he took teeth from his slaves? No wooden teeth there. 
that's a little info I may not share for Dental Health next week!

We are almost ready to wrap up our graphing unit. We only have bar graphs and line plots in 2nd grade, so we decided to find out about all our great leader's favorite foods and make a line plot. Can I just say YUCK! 

and here's a DJ Inker's freebie from a few weeks back. We did not get to it for Valentines, but it is a great Presidents Day snazzy snack, dontcha think? We actually are using a crock pot. It smelled like fresh cookies on the hallway all day yesterday!

My 1000 followers giveaway will be up and off tomorrow! Be sure to stop by and enter for some fab prizes!


  1. Congrats on 1,000 followers! Wow!!

    Those cupcakes sounds delicious! I bet they'd be good with lemon or blueberry {my faves :)}

    So excited to see this giveaway!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  2. Wow!Wow!Wow! Congratulations on 1000 follower :)I love your Lincolns - so stinkin' cute.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  3. Congrats on 1,000!!!! Yippeee!! :) LOVE those lip magnets...I would definitely be putting those on everything, too! ;)

  4. Dump cake in a crock pot? You got my attention!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  5. Hello! I recently just started a youtube Korean food channel, EasyKoreanFood, where you can learn how to make fast & easy Korean food! It would mean the world to me if you could check it out because I'm just starting out! Thanks!


notes to the teacher