19 February 2013

favorite read-alouds and a Seuss winner

This week's show and tell at Denise's is all about favorite read alouds.

Now I read picture books for minilessons and such, but I also set aside a daily read aloud time right after lunch  This is when I leave the lights off, students are allowed to draw in their "doodle books" aka computer paper stapled together, and I read a chapter from a favorite book.
So here's my all time favs to read aloud:

*The BFG by Roald Dahl. It's the first one every single year! Love it! Just be careful not to cuss when reading the BFG's crazy talk! haha! My middle Lamb and I still call people "human beans"! On a side note, this book is one of the few Mr. Lamb remembers hearing as a child...so you know it's good! I really love all of Dahl's books, but some are better read-alouds than others.

*Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner-this will always have a special spot in my heart. I have read it out loud every year for 10 years and I still cry when that Stone Fox pulls Searchlight over the finish line (oh, spoiler alert!) This is the book I use to introduce the Iditarod...which I will be posting about soon! Swear!

*The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. Oh how I love this book! I think I went to school with the Herdmans! I love how you really see the specialness inside those kids. They are really the kind of kids in our school community, so it's special to us.

*Love That Dog by Sharon Creech. Another tear jerker. I read this one every April. The whole book is written in free verse. My professor read it to us in grad school. It's about a boy who discovers poetry, mainly the poet Mr. Walter Dean Myers. He learns to be proud of his work and use poetry to get through some tough topics!

I read several others through the year, but these are books I continually go back to year after year. I happened upon a Step into Reading version of Les Mis. It's a second grad reading level in case you are interested. They were on sale for $1 at Target after Christmas.
And we read it. And they refer to Jean Valjean! ha! Of course I could not pronounce half the french words, but they don't know the difference. It was a real showstopper!
Go link up with Denise!
And the winners of the revised Silly Skills packs are:


  1. I AdOrE Love That Dog ... best pick ever!

    The Corner On Character

  2. Just found your blog through the linky party-I linked up too! Excited to be your newest follower! I, too, am a big fan of Roald Dahl and Sharon Creech!Have you read Walk Two Moons or Heartbeat-I usually use them for literature circles, but they're a favorite by students!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

    1. Hi Joanne!
      I have heard Walk Two Moons is incredible! I'm going to have to read it!
      Thanks for following!

  3. I adore the BFG! It really brings the reluctant readers in and interests them. I'm a big fan of Dahl in general, but the BFG is definitely a favorite.

    I had no idea about the Step into Reading version of Les Mis. Love it!! I am going to absolutely get one of those for myself. Thanks for sharing!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

    1. I didn't either until I saw it on a random Target shelf!

  4. Thank you for the heads up on Les Mis!

    Teaching In Oz


notes to the teacher