01 January 2013


ok, I had everything half off until midnight in a little flash same yesterday. Awesome.
Now to ring 2013 {and I do not like the sales to show $0, here’s 20% off today and tomorrow! This one is TpT only though.

thanks Hope for the adorable signage! click to go to my store
I added a Halfway Day celebration-we do this on the 90th day of school which was the last day we were in school. bahahaha! No way folks. So we will celebrate this Friday on the 92nd day! It’s a lot of fun! Check it out!
And don't forget my two New year's freebies updated for 2013! 
a reflection and resolution foldable! FREE!

good ol' morning work for when they arrive and feel the need to tell you ev.er.y.thing they did! Make em write it down, too! FREE

I am halfway {or a little more} finished with getting all my Chinese New Year stuff in one pack, too!
Chinese New Year

and now onto Currently!

TpT app ding!
listening-I LOVE the new TPT app! I love the graphing and how I can see what profits come from which products
Loving-Oh, Mr. Lamb and I don’t really do the gift thing the right way. Our anniversary is 2 days before Christmas, so we sit together and get each other stuff!
He got some awesome retro Converse {yay! I finally brought him to my side} and a new suit. Spiffs!
I picked up a Columbia jacket {all we really need day to day in southern NC} and a Cameo that will remain in the box until we move! I have no room!
My mom really did well this year!
She bought me the tower of Crayola markers, crayons, and the large pack of skinny markers.
My oldest bought me a new pack of Mr. Sketches and my favorite Ticonderoga pencils! You can only find them at Office Depot! What a doll! Don’t give too much credit though-I tell people what I want!

oh yeah!
Thinking-No, I am not already ready for the weekend, but I do go back Thursday to a classroom of kiddos!
But, Friday…my new Mac Book Pro will arrive! Yippee!!
I took the plunge.
Right now I am typing on my Dell laptop whose backlight went out so I had Mr. Lamb bring a monitor from work to use.
It’s ghetto!
I am so excited!
We were heading to the store to buy it today and I just checked the apple site one last time. I noticed there was a place to order as a school, so I typed my school’s name and wha-la! I saved 300$ on my mac book!
Am I the only one who didn’t know this!?
Oh, but I had to give up the iPad to Mr. Lamb. I didn’t have to, but he wanted one and do we really need two?
That remains to be seen.
He put a manly cover on it. I don’t like it, not one bit!
We are getting a school issued one, but I am sure we won’t be allowed to add any apps that are not approved…
wanting-a new blog design.
I want my own.
I bought the package that I want to use, but I just do no think I have the patience to do it myself in a timely manner.
Any suggestions?!
needing-organize! I am organizing all my files into google drive and dropbox, but I need some external storage. I am trying to keep all the clipart off my computer.
What do you do?
OLW-I love Farley’s word. choice. but I won’t steal it
Positivity…I need to get on board with the positive patty’s in my life. My teammate says it best. We are aggressive-passive. I jump to accuse. I think people are out to get me and insult me. Probably because they are, right??!
No! I work with some very negative people, it does rub off.
But I cannot let it any longer.
Because I work with some amazing, happy people too!
So, here’s to a year of less sarcasm! More smiley, less snarky! Hey, I ran jogged this morning, so surely I can act nice!
I'm also linking up with Denise to share my New Year's stuff! Go get some goodies for your return to school!

Happy new year!


  1. Hi Rachel! Happy New Year! I love your blog design, but I am sure it gets old after awhile. I have only had mine since July.
    I am also thinking, when will Friday get here. We go back tomorrow & I may be worse than my 2 boys! I don't want to go.

    1. hahah! My boys are ready, it is me that's not! I go back Thursday!!! boo hiss!

  2. Hi! I found your blog through Farley! I, too, have a sarcastic sense of humor. I like your word - positivity. Great attitude about it...instead of the negative rubbing off on you (I know how that can be) let YOUR positivity rub off on others! That's a win-win!

    Have a great new year!

    ~ Ms Apple Blossoms
    Apple Blossoms

    1. sarcasm gets me through the day, but I did better today. It was just a workday!

  3. What cool gift did you get for Christmas? Stay positive.
    My Second Sense

  4. Hi Rachel!
    I just bought your meal worm life cycles....can't wait to use it when I go back on the 7th. I love your OLW....positivity! The whole world needs a little more of that.
    Happy New Year
    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies
    Visit my facebook page

    1. Oh yea! We are getting our mealworms this 9 weeks too!! I cannot wait!

  5. I wonder if there is anyone besides teachers who get excited about getting school supplies for Christmas?! I got a new MacBook Pro a month ago because my Dell laptop makes funny noises every 2 minutes or whenever the screen gets tilted! I am still using my Dell because reorganizing my files sounds terrifying! I also don't exactly know how to convert my beloved files from a PC to a Mac. I bought Word and PowerPoint for Mac, but that's as far as I've gotten. Let me know if you have any tips! I probably should have worked on this project over break!! Oops! I love your current blog design, but I understand wanting one of your own. Good luck!!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. oh my gosh! I cannot believe you do that! too funny! I am quite nervous about files not getting along, but we shall see!

  6. I love my mac book pro that I got through school. i found you through Currently and I'm your newest follower.

    ?Resource Room Rules

    1. thanks for following! I cannot wait til Friday!!

  7. I found you through Currently! I love school supplies too. I am also a pencil snob and only want Ticonderoga...if only the parents of my littles felt the same. They seem to look at price and go with the cheapest brand.

    1. we ask for yellow pencils with the hopes that they pick up at least the Dixon!

  8. Love the Halfway Day idea! I'm so with you on the clip art dilemma. I got an external hard drive for Christmas and don't know how I want to store everything now. I'm afraid once I put it all on there, that it won't work and then it's gone! Do I keep it in both places...oh, what to do, what to do!

    Happy New Year!


    1. I know! I still don't know what to do!

    2. I keep everything on my external hard drive, but I do back it up to one of my computers every so often. I also have an apple time capsule so my mac and pc can "share files" and I can access them in both places (and it backs up, too!) Think I'm paranoid about losing files?? ;) Better safe than sorry!

  9. Thanks for linking up to Show & Tell Tuesday!
    Super love that foldable an I can't wait to see your Chinese New Year stuff! I have three Chinese students who go to Chinese school on the weekends. They're always bringing things in to share with us that they did there. They'll be so excited to do some Chinese New Year activities in class!

    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  10. Chinese New Year!!! YAY!!! can't wait for that to come out... I am a freak for CNY... not sure why but I love it... thanks so much for linking up my friend!!!

    1. wouldn't miss it! I was happy I wasn't posting the last week of the month this time!

  11. You are killing me!! LOL! The TpT app sounds AMAZING--can't wait until the android version comes out!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

    1. That little app is pretty amazing! I hope they get the new android one for you soon, Karen!

  12. I love your blog design, but I understand wanting to change it up! Diana from Custom Blog Designs created mine and she was WONDERFUL to work with! Not the cheapest out there, but seriously, she was amazing (especially since I really had no direction...or more like 50 directions)! ;)

  13. I am so jealous of the TpT app you guys have! I have an Android, so I am super-excited about it being released this month. Great post!


  14. Thanks for the freebies - just what I needed as I was blog stalking to find something for next week. Thanks so much for sharing! Sara


notes to the teacher