29 January 2013

Snow Day Winner!

Through the random number generator, aka my 4 year old, the winners of Snowed In At School Pack are Sara Soucy and Lisa K!
thanks Sarah Cooley for the sweet snowmen!
When asked his favorite number, he said "FOUR! oh, SIX!"
So, you both get it!
check your email
in the meantime
the pack will be $3 this week!
I'll be having my snow day Friday!
I can't wait to share

oh, and in case you wondered about the weather
it's about 65 degrees here today...and yesterday we had that 2 hour delay for freezing rain
no wonder we are all sick!!


  1. Totally understand the weather! Friday we had a snow day, today outdoor recess, and Friday they are calling for snow again. Hope you all get to feeling better!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2. Yay! So excited I won! I sent you an email too because I haven't received the file yet. Thanks for the giveaway!


notes to the teacher