19 January 2013

Our First Snow Day, winter cleaning, and a giveaway

Our first snow day of the year! yay!
ok, don't judge the south-there happened to be snow falling all night and a few inches in the early am.
and our district is huge and rural.
there's a lot of "back roads"
and better safe than sorry, right?
and I had taken off the past day and a half because I had no voice 
imagine teaching a day with no voice. 
I felt like Steven Hawking!
I typed what I wanted to say on the screen
it was a hoot
until I started actually feeling sick, too. Then I was stuck at home hacking and what not
that was not fun
so I got a FREE sick day!
and a day or so to work on updating a few files

 and look at this!
every day on the way to and from school we get to drive past the dam
this is one gate out of 10 fully open
it's rare to see
so after lunch I took the kiddos down to the bank
it's is really awesome to see
of course it's all closed off too, so the extra thrill of breaking the rules makes it fun, too!

ok, onto the winter cleanup!
I recently did an overhaul on my TpT store.
Everything that was $1-2 is free now!
that's 58 items
So go check it out!
I'm also updating some of my older files
you know
pre-kg fonts and borders besides the ones on word days
so stay tuned for more!

and here's what I worked on on my snow day!
Snowed in at School!
I love this file.
It's been on TpT for the past year and it got a little facelift
I added 20 more pages to be exact!
All the graphics are also updated and it seems a little brighter to me now
I always have a "snow day" on the last day of January
We really do not get snow here in southern NC as you can see
So it's fun to bring in mittens, sip cocoa, and have a snow day blast!
You can read about our previous snow days here {and some freebies, too}
but this year's will be the best yet!
I am thinking of dragging it out a little!
and I'm linking up with Denise to share some snow day love, too!

this little baby has a few of my favorite winter activities!
The Best Snow Day activity opinion writing with a tech twist!
Bagel snowmen-I adore cream cheese!
and making snowflakes!

and here's a little giveaway
Tell me YOUR favorite snow day activity and I'll pick a winner to get this file for free!
Be sure to leave your email in the comment too!
I will use the random number generator or my kids to pick a winner tomorrow afternoon!
Congrats Commenter numero 6, Heather! Check your email!

I gotta hit McDonalds before 10:30 to get my hot cakes!


  1. Since I just moved to Phoenix, no more snow days for me D:
    But when I lived in Wisconsin, I used to love to wake up late and then take a walk outside with all the snow around and try to find someplace that was open for lunch. SO fun!!
    Teaching in the Valley

  2. I live in Chicago and we have gotten NO SNOW!! It's so sad! My kids are just begging for some snow! :) I love to go sledding with my family on snow days!! Of course, that means coming home and drinking hot chocolate!

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

  3. Glad you got to enjoy a snow day! We had one yesterday, too! I love the upgrades to your snow packet. Looks awesome!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  4. I'm from SC and we rarely get snow! But if we did I would love to just lounge around, have a cup of coffee, and enjoy the beautiful scenery!


  5. Looks like an awesome pack as usual. Do I need to send over my packet to Erica or did you already do this?Since we don't have snow days in Fl very often, I'd have to say sliding down the golf course hills on trash can lids when it's iced over.

    1. She sent me all 3 packs :) so excited I won! Thanks!!

  6. We had a snow day Friday too, also had an early dismissal Thursday for snow, out wednesday for flooding, and early dismissal Tuesday for flooding! It's been wild.
    my favorite snow day activity is making snow cream with the kiddos.

  7. No snow days here, but I do love watching them fall!


  8. I'm ready for a snow day! My favorite activity, after hearing that officials news, would be to get cozy with a blanket, book and up of coffee and enjoy some reading. Then when I tired of that I'd enjoy some sewing. After that a walk in the fresh fallen snow would be invigorating. Finally, after supper, I'd start wondering if we were going to repeat this delightful treat another day! :)

  9. I love snow days (and we just had one and a half!) so that I can do whatever I want...which is sometimes nothing at all! I figure it is a bonus day, so I might clean closets, bake something or catch up on celebrity gossip on the internet!

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  10. My favorite snow day activity is curling up with a blanket, book, and a mug of hot chocolate !

    Lindsey - lmburto@gmail.com

  11. My favorite snow day activity is taking a walk outside in the freshly fallen snow!

  12. We haven't had any snow days yet, but I'm definitely ready for one! I love answering the phone and then getting to turn off the alarm clock and go back to sleep! It's the little things in life, right? :)


  13. Living in South Florida we don't get ANY snow days but I can imagine that sitting in front of the fire wrapped up in a cozy blank with a good book would be wonderful!

    Christina :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  14. My favorite snow day activity is to curl up with a cup of coffee, my dog and my laptop and blog stalk, pin things on pinterest and create things for my kids at school.


  15. We havent had snow in so long...but I do love to go tubing!


  16. No snow days here in AZ. But we have had a week off for flooding and a day off for no power. As a kid though, in PA, on snow days I loved sledding and building snow forts with my dad.

    1. Oops forgot my email reyesremarkablerants at gmail dot com

  17. I just stumbled upon your blog... LOVE IT! I'm your newest follower. :D
    I have NEVER seen snow fall, let alone had a snow day! I would definitely be playing outside if I did!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  18. I usually use them to get things done at home!

  19. I love to send my hubby outside to play in the snow with the kiddos while I take pictures of them. Then, I get the hot chocolate ready for all of them to come back inside and sit by the fire. Thanks for the giveaway!


  20. My favorite snow day activity is simply an unexpected day out of school...since it only happens once in a blue moon in GA....LOL. Ashleybowlesreed@hotmail.com

  21. I love the opportunity to relax at home sleep-in and watch movies.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  22. I like to sleep in, drink coffee in bed and read a book. Usually I have to go shovel the driveway which I don't enjoy.

  23. I'm in NC too - on Virginia boarder, so we do not have much snow either. My favorite snow day activity would be what we did as kids when it snowed - Mama would make chocolate snow cream from the snow we collected. We had so much fun!!! If the pond froze over, we would slide on pond. Now, that thought scares me!

  24. I live in WI but it still takes A LOT for us to have a snow day! I think my favorite snow day activity is shutting off the alarm! HA! After that, it'd probably be staying home to watch movies or read a book, because if they're closing schools, you know you shouldn't be heading outside!

    Kristin (kristinbrehm@gmail.com)

  25. No snow here in California - it is 75 degrees today!! :) The kiddos would love these activities, though - super cute!
    Julene Hoffman

  26. My favorite snow day activity is to get my three boys all bundled up and we head to the park for some sledding.

  27. My favorite snow day activity is cuddling up on the couch drinking some hot chocolate after playing in the snow with my pup :)



notes to the teacher