09 January 2013

Clipart Crazies! See my favs and a giveaway!!

ok, you know you are a clip art and font junkie
I even have a self help Pinterest board titled just so

I've learned that having a mac has helped in one very big way...
I can organize my fonts!
now I have kevin and amanda fonts
Hello fonts
KG fonts
CK fonts
PC fonts
pea fonts
miss tiina fonts
and last but not least
favorite header fonts cause that's what I spend a lot of time doing!

I was excited to see Primary Polka Dots having a clip art linky!
I've already found a new set form a new artist!
so here's mine

a little explanation on this one

My favorite cover page of my own products was hard because I spend at least an hour getting it perfect!
but my day of the dead craftivity/ELA unit and process skills unit are up near the top!
notice they use the same Teaching in a Small Town borders!
my favorite cover from a purchase is Kari's Having now Much Fun. It is possibly the most beautiful piece of work I have ever seen! Not kidding!

it is true I own four different sets of Wizard of Oz clip art, I love them all! But am I the sweet cute little witchy from Jessica Weible and Thistlegirl or the real deal from Nikki!? that remains to be seen!

I can't beat those love shacks from KPM with a stick! 

so go link up so I can buy even more!

So in honor of all this hoopla about beautiful graphics, let's have a giveaway!
My newest file has some pretty awesome clip art! I dug into the old files for this good stuff from Lettering Delights! And I found some newbies too!

The first person to guess which of Melonheadz's clipart sets I requested to be made gets this file for FREE!
ah! First guess is a score!


  1. I checked her Etsy site and I'm guessing Mealworms? :0


    1. Oops! Should've been a smiley face. I was trying to type too fast. :)

    2. haha! I forgot she puts the name with them! well, you got it! hehe! check your email

    3. Thanks so much! I know my students will love it! :)

  2. I have no idea, but I'll guess 100th Day! I just had to say love all your clip art choices, and your Chinese New Year pack looks adorable!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  3. Rachel, loved this post, and so much of what you share! You definitely are talented finding awesome clip art, fonts, and tips for creating! Thanks for sharing :)


  4. Thanks for linking up! So much fun, right!?!? AND, I love your family characters! ;) So cute!

    Primary Polka Dots


notes to the teacher