29 December 2012

let’s get professional

so when it comes to doing things I want to do-I do not think twice.
My third year I decided I wanted to go back to school. Back in the old days when we only had 2 kids! Our district reimbursed for Reading degrees at that time, so it was perfect. I learned more as a grad student than anywhere ever {besides the classroom of course!} In fact, I loved it so much my professor asked it I wanted to continue with some doctoral coursework. YES Please! But life happened. I got pregnant in my last semester and with 3 kiddos at home, I know I’d be a single mom if I went straight back into school!
Then, my 7th year, my friend and I had been moved apart {sniffles} so we decided let’s do our National Boards together! We both did Middle Childhood Generalist which has the biggest UN-success rate, but we both got them!
So what’s next? I once thought I’d teach for.ev.er, but I no longer think that’s the case. For a hot minute I really wanted to work with student teachers at the college level. My student teaching experience was hell and I didn’t want anyone else to go through what I did {another post perhaps}
But then I fell back t-totally in love with teaching when I moved to 2nd grade. Even though I absolutely love what I do, I know I want something else. Something more. Teaching is the most wonderful profession I can imagine, it is never boring, but the hoops we jump through are getting a little much for me these days. I never planned on renewing my National Boards. I figured another 10 years and I would do something else in the field.
My dream is magazine layout…weird, right!? I LOVE making newsletters, worksheets, and fliers to go home. I actually volunteer to make them for the school!
and on that topic, one goal for the upcoming 2013 is learning to turn doodles into digital art. I just snagged a Bamboo tablet so we will see. My mom got me the best patterning book for Christmas! It’s called Zenspirations! Check it out! She also got me the huge pack of Crayola’s, colored pencils, and markers. And I got myself a Silhouette! Bring on the crafting!
but until then, I cannot sit back and wait. I decided this summer I would go for earning my Whole Brain Certification.
I planned on starting a PLC at school where we would watch Tuesday night podcasts on Thursdays, but it didn’t happen. We have weekly grade level meetings that are required PLC times, I am now trained and help run the Kind Kids Club for Rachel’s Challenge, I am secretary for our PTO and school leadership team, not to mention webmaster for the school and we’ve changed over programs again so everything with be revamped and I haven’t even started it yet….run on sentence shows my anxiety over this. Needless to say, it never got up and running. But I still plan in doing this!! In order to get certified, you have to post on the forums on blog so many such and such times. I haven’t done this in awhile! Be expecting some soon! Here are the requirements in you are interested
So whatever the future brings, WBT certification, a doctorate degree, or a new job completely, you’ll have to hear all about it! Cause I do not plan on quitting the blogging world!


  1. Go you!!! You've accomplished so much, and I love that you still have set so many goals for your future self!

    Very inspiring!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  2. Wow you are on a roll!!! I am looking into my national boards... I just finished my masters but I don't have kids right now so it would be a perfect time to do that! Good luck with all your professional adventures!

    1. Do it now! I had three by then. Honestly I didn't stress too much about it. We filmed each other and took two days off to write sitting on my couch! If you have someone who goes through it with you and is honest with you, it is such a help!

  3. Blogging and blog stalking should sooo count for PLC. Right? Can't wait to start seeing your doodles turn into something really special!

  4. Oh wow, you sure have been busy! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! I hope you share all of your crafting creations-- I need to be inspired... I have an old school Wacom tablet and have been thinking about stepping up to a Bamboo. Happy doodling!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. I'm wondering how hard it will be to manipulate. Did you like it? I've heard both sides!

    2. I loved it... for a week. You see, 1 week after I installed the Wacom program, my computer crashed and I lost everything! It was tragic. I don't actually think it had anything to do with Wacom, but I was always terrified to re-install it! I hope you'll have better luck than I did. :) Let me know how you like it!


notes to the teacher