31 October 2012

No more candy corn please

Haven't had much blogging time this week. Some crazy teacher thought she could fit in bats, Day if the Dead, plus spooky Halloweeny type stuff into 5 days.
Since I blogging from my phone all the pictures are at the end! Sorry!
However I do want to show you our candy corn day! Remember I couldn't do Halloween stuff this year? Well spiders, bats, and candy took its place. We finished up spider week last week and did a few batty days this week. But today was all about candy corn! I'm definitely having a sugar crash right now!

I also want to add we have career day on Halloween at school so everyone dresses as what they want to be. This year I rocked some Einstein and middle lamb was a teacher/author/archeologist! I'll have to share some pictures per-stache removal too! Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

  1. So, I dressed as Einstein yesterday as we were doing our Engineering unit. I broke out the accent and talked really fast. Kids ate it up!


notes to the teacher