04 September 2012

currently spetember and a giveaway!

I sadly missed out on currently last month, so I left work early today to get it done. Ok, really to let the garage door repairman in…
linking up with Farley-you need to too!

In my head
some explanations:
believe it or not, I just bought my first music on iTunes. I kinda boycotted avoided it, but gave in when I got the email for the B2S 7.99 albums. I heard that darned Hey Ho by The Lumineers and cannot for the life of me get it out of my head. Now if I can only figure out how to get it to play. I swear I am tech savvy, but iTunes and Apple in general give me fits!
I have some freakin’ awesome kids this year. I should give them more credit and in all actuality this should say loving Class Dojo. More on that gem tomorrow!
weight gain, bloating, breakouts, headaches, exhaustion. I am hoping it some sort of hormonal breakdown and not anything else that shall not be mentioned. I really need to get to the doc and get this figured out! Unfortunately Fortunately {not sure which} my doctor’s kiddo is in my class this year! Kinda weird you know.
I really want a new laptop. Nothing spectacular, just newer. I told Mr. Lamb mine’s been acting up. That this baby makes us extra money. That I have to click 50 times to get a link to work. He says it’s just my mouse…errr
favs. I love shows about things I am not. I am a freak about Breaking Bad, but I’m like “Pinkman, who?” since I watched Sons. Mr. Lamb and I finished up season 3 on Netflix yesterday. sheesh. drool, What is it about a dirty guy on a Harley. I tell hubby that we just like guys like Jax, not marry them!! And ever since we started watching, guess who wants a bike…??? It’s not me!
thanks to some ah-ma-zing feedback from my Process Skills pack!
Thinking I will give it away to the first two people who can guess come closest to the estimate for a new garage opener motor I was quoted today! I will send it to you tomorrow!


  1. Oh gosh, I have no clue-what about $400.00?


  2. I'm guessing $350. Which would be silly, because you could probably get a whole new one for cheaper.


    Fun in Room 4B

    1. unfortunately your right on. Of course this is the motor, new wall button thingy, sensors, and 2 remotes...because when the motor changes, everything changes!
      check your email soon!

  3. My husband and I love sons of anarchy!!! Can't wait to start watching it again. Also, I am your newest follower because of Farley's rule!! Love your blog!

  4. I'm not sure if that's a fortunately or unfortunately either! :)

  5. I will go with $175 because it seems sometimes you can buy a new product cheap than fixing an old one!

    Tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  6. I'll guess $300. I have never seen Sons of Anarchy ... should I start????

    Teach With Laughter

    1. and you get the next closest!
      And um...YESYESYES watch it now!!!
      check your email soon!

  7. Hi Rachel!
    I just found your blog and I'm now following you! My guess for the cost of the motor is $129. If it's that much or more, you might as well buy a new one! I would love for you to drop by my blog when you get a chance! Just in case I win, my email is
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

  8. I am guessing $401!!!!! The highest bid yet :) I feel like this is the price is right!

  9. I love SOA too. Avoided it the first couple of years because I thought - ew - why would I watch that? But now, oh yeah - Jax. Who wouldn't tune in just to watch Jax for an hour!

    I'm guessing $85 for the motor.



  10. Umm, I just discovered Jax and SOA through another teacher friend....it's so bad that I can't quit!!! The motor...I'm guessing $285. Which makes me want to puke because we're gonna need one soon!

    Amanda Preece

  11. I'm going to say $247, thanks for all you share! I love checking out your blog!

  12. Oh and my email is neely_barham@catawbaschools.net


notes to the teacher