01 August 2012

arrested by the color cop

If you are like me, and I know you are, you want all your printables to coordinate. Now, I use PowerPoint for almost everything and unfortunately there is no color matching tool like Paint, paint.net, or other software has. So, after some digging I found a highly rated and FREE software download called Color Cop! {download here}

I wanted to show you how to use it. It’s pretty easy. I made THREE, count ‘em THREE videos showing you how, but none of them saved correctly!!! waa! If you know how to fix my CamStudio problems, leave me a comment!! {they are not saving at all and if I do any video longer that a few seconds, it is saving as a wav file…}

I am using sweet Hope’s Oh SNAP reading rewards this year. She was awesome and made it editable! I am all for pie in the face, but I thought I’d go for some other rewards! I changed them after this little tutorial. Anyway, here is how I made my new custom text match what Hope made.





I love the feature that allows grabbing colors from anywhere. I am going all Dots on Turquoise and used Color Cop to grab the colors straight from CTP’s website.

That’s all. I have not a had a smidgen of anything interesting to share, so I’ve been sort of MIA in my classroom off and on this week. It’s bad when you have to hook up the xbox at school to convince your 3 boys to go with you! But a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do! My first official day back is tomorrow. I will have lots of pictures to share soon! My goal not to make a mess was shattered when I unloaded my car…sniffles

and if you’re curious, here are the rewards I decided on



  1. Rachel-this is seriously one of the best new tools- I downloaded it as soon as I came to the link in your post! Thanks for the link and great tutorial!

    I was thisclose to asking you the code for the perfect orange you used in your Common Core Galore image {in the rainbow frame} because it's exactly the light and bright shade of orange I have been trying to find! So obviously I have been using the endless trial-and-error process. LOL.

    Can't wait to play with this Color Cop toy!

    primary practice

  2. Just tried Color Cop, Rachel. It's amazing-so fun! Thanks again!


  3. I can't wiat to try it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. This couldn't have come at a better time. I was just working on something and could not get the color that I needed and was getting frustrated. THANK YOU!!!

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  5. Thank you thank you thank you! I have been using the guess and check method to match a color for some signs I am making for my class and have been frustrated since I can't get it just right. This will make it smooth sailing!

    Krazy Town


notes to the teacher