23 July 2012

some real characters

I have busted it to get my Monday Made It finished by today. Then I got a dinnertime call Sunday night from my principal asking if I could fill in at a workshop for another teacher who couldn’t attend. Well, I will jump at a chance to be with real live adults for 2 days! So I accepted. Little did I know what or who I would be seeing!

I will giveaway any item from my store to the first 3 people who can tell me who I saw present today! And no, the gals in the back are me and 2 adorable girls from Indiana! I look quite awkward here…I was a little scared of one of the ladies to be honest…

photo 4

Now on to the Monday Made It! Here’s the pin from First Grade Glitter and Giggles…love love Marissa’s blog! I just found it a few weeks ago and she {and her teaching partner} have some great stuff!



So see those paintings? I needed them. I pinned them to my “to do” board and that means serious business. I actually do this stuff! So here’s what I’ve got to share today.

photo 1 (2)

first I drew some of my favorite characters. If my kiddos could tell me who they were, I knew they were ok! and yes, those are tattoo designs in the background, but they are for Mr. Lamb!

photo 3
then I painted them.

photo 5

and then I outlined them in Sharpie. Everything looks better outlined in Sharpie! plus it adds a little cover-up and it’s ok if it’s not perfect. It adds whimsy…so I tell myself.

I haven’t finished Miss Frizzle yet. She lacks eyebrows, lips, and a funky themed dress {I’m using bug stickers I have at school}. I did the Cat in hot pink rather than red to avoid copyright! haha-not really. I just love apple green and hot pink. Pigeon still needs his other wing. And Lilly needs her tail bow painted. They will all get some ribbon and hang in my library. I LOVE them!

I used 12x12 flat canvas from Michaels. I knew I could just hot glue ribbon to the back and hang. They are also just $10 for a 6 pack. That means I still have two!!

And our Middle Lamb also has a Monday Made it for Tara this week. It seems if I tell him “we’ll do it tomorrow” enough, he’ll do it himself! Here he is mixing homemade clay. He’s obsessed with Minecraft right now. He had me look up how to make clay. He stood on the counter, and pulled down the ingredients! So I had to tell him the recipe at that point! yay for initiative!

ok, now figure out who those ladies are and leave a comment! First three commenters with correct names get anything they’d like! I won’t tell you if you are correct or not until morning to prevent cheaters! =)


  1. Did you see Fountas and Pinnell?

    1. Yep! Shoot me an email with what you'd like from my store. The links are on my sidebar!

  2. Love your artwork:) So cute that your little guy wants to do a Monday Made It:))) Thanks for linking up;0)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. Replies
    1. Super exciting by the way!

    2. It was! My admin just said an FandP workshop so it was a nice surprise. Send me an email with the file you'd like from my store. The links are in my sidebar!

  4. My phone was taking FOREVER and I wanted to punt it across the room!
    I wanted to add that I absolutely love your artwork. People are so difficult for me to draw and yours looks fantastic!
    Awesome Job!

    1. Thanks Andi! I cannot draw anything but cartoon like stuff. Real life is out of the question. Send me an email with the file you'd like from my store. The link is on the sidebar

  5. I can definitely tell who the drawings were of. I wish I could do that! I miss the days of being able to go to good conferences with great speakers. We don't get any professional development anymore!


  6. Fountas and Pinnell!


  7. Wow! How exciting that you got to see Fountas and Pinnell! They're amazing! You're artwork is fabulous by the way! ;)


  8. Love this idea, but not sure if I could recreate this and have it looking good like yours...I'm afraid it would look like one of my 3rd graders did it! Ha!

  9. Oh.Em.Gee!! I love your canvases!!!! I wish I could draw more than a stick person!! You are super talented and those are going to look AMAZING in your reading center!!

    Teaching Maddeness

  10. Oh how I love your paintings! They look great! Makes me want to get out some paint and get to work!

    EduKate and Inspire

  11. Those are AWESOME! I will have to totally make some...if I ever have the time... :) Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower!

    Ramblings of a Deaf Ed Teacher's Mind...


notes to the teacher