16 July 2012

lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly, lolly pop!

Linking up again with Miss Tara for Monday Made-it! This week I am in the midst of several projects, which unfortunately is how I work. Not very productive!
I came across a Lollipop Tree on a blog {Hello Mrs. Sykes}. She talked about using the Dum-Dums as a reward for AR tests. I will be using Hope King’s O.H. S.N.A.P. for AR this year, so I thought I could use this for other rewards. I see no shame in bribery and candy! I love getting candy!
here’s the pin from Hello Mrs. Sykes

and here is another option. I love the ribbon here, but if the kiddos will be pulling these out rather than just for display, I’m not sure it will be worth the time. But oh well! I cut 2-3” pieces, looped and cut some and left others sticking out.

FYI-this ended up taking 4 bags of Dum-Dums! I only bought 2 initially! I just saw a 250 pack at Wal-Mart for $7 and some change. I think it would cover the whole ball.
~Flower pot or cute bucket (on sale at Michaels for $2)
~foam ball (just make sure it “sits” on the rim of the flower pot} I used an 8” ($6 at Michaels)
~Dum-Dums ($2.30 per bag)
~Dowel rod {if you want a topiary type} I bought the 12x7/18” or something. They are still too thick for me. But if you wanted to make the topiary, you’ll need this one. The ball is quite heavy! ($2 at Hobby Lobby) I ended up using a broken pencil.
~marker (free from my junk drawer)
~pins for putting in ribbon
How to-Easy! Just start poking the suckers into the foam ball. Warning, do this somewhere you can wipe up A LOT of foamy bits. I pushed the suckers in the foam right to where the wrapper starts. I figured I could get them tighter if they did not go in all the way. I began with one row all the way around the center. I thought I’d be cute and do a pattern. Nope! More than half the bag is filled with Mystery flavor! It’s still cute!
One little touch I liked was marking a few suckers with a highlighter on the stick. If they chose this sucker, they got a treat from the prize box. I do not have a prize box, so it’ll probably be sock feet! I marked 5 suckers per bag with a blue highlighter on the end of the stick. I was sure the ink was dry before pushing these in so the ink wouldn’t come off.
photo 1
this is 2 packs of Dum Dums
photo 2 photo 3 
photo 4
As you can see, my kitchen is a hot mess and my color ink is running low. I will reprint my signs before school begins. Then I will laminate with my Scotch thermal laminator! I love her! So thick!!
here’s the labels. Click the picture to download. The bg on the owl did not show up in google docs, but it’s there!
graphics from 3AM teacher, Dreamlike Magic, Print Candee, and fonts from Kevin and Amanda

Image credit: Temptation Candy
Want to know what the mystery flavor is! Hubby and I saw this on Unwrapped. The flavor is where one end of the batch meets the next flavor. Since the candy lines run continuously, where two flavors meet become the mystery flavors!


  1. Very cute! Love the owl and interesting tid-bit about the mystery flavor.

  2. Absolutely love it! I am actually planning on making this for my daughter's 1 birthday party. It is a "candy" theme with lots of sweet treats :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love the little sign you added! I'm so glad I came acoss your blog. I also like the idea of marking a few tips to get an extra bonus. I'm going to mark the a lot of mystery lollipops since those tend to be the last ones chosen (and I just learned that more than half the bag is the mystery flavor.) Someone at that factory should be monitoring that . . . I'm your newest follower and inspired now to make this.

    Grade Three is the Place for Me

  5. I've seen the lollipop tree & yours came out so cute! It makes me want to make it even more. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. I love that someone else watches stuff like Unwrapped! :) What a great fun fact, and a cute Monday Made It!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  7. I was so happy to see my lollipop tree. Thanks for sharing.

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog

  8. I have got to make one of these! Awesome job! Thanks for sharing!

    One Teacher's Take

  9. So cute and love the little owl topper:) Your colors are so fun and cheery!! Thanks for linking up;))

    4th Grade Frolics

  10. Very Cute!!

    P.S. I love your blog title. Last fall, the kids went crazy over the celtic knot shamrock I have on my foot. When winter came, they forgot about it. When spring came, I started wearing flip-flops, and they went crazy again! :)

    Miss R's Room


notes to the teacher