19 July 2012

A time out to visit district 12

I planned on posting some freebies for word sorts I use in Work on Words, but I took my oldest Lamb to Distract 12 today.

Let me explain.
We live in southeast NC aka District 12 of Panem. I knew the area where the Hunger Games village was filmed was just in the next county over from home, but time was just never on our side. I’d planned on taking Jackson all summer and I just told him to get in the car today and off we went! He had no clue where we were going. It happens to be towards the Brown Mountain Lights and Broughton Mental Hospital {both of which made him a little on edge!}
photo 2

{top-My little sweet Peeta, bottom-real Peeta}
photo 3 (2)photo 1 (2)photo 2 (2)photo 1photo 3photo 4
the last house is the Everdeen home.
As you can see, it’s an honest to goodness abandoned town right off the road! It’s kind of weird.
photo 5
{this one is obviously Haymitch’s place}
photo 4 (3)
So 10 miles away lies the famed village and I’m just getting around to visiting! And if you are wondering what he thought of the surprise trip…in his words, no kidding…”Mom, these signs say No Trespassing. I bet they are serious.” Seriously. He is such a stickler!
Speaking of the Carolinas…We are having our first blogger meet up! I am so excited! I always feel left out reading about the wonderful fun, food, and gabbing! Visit Hope King’s blog and leave a message if you are in the area on September 15.
SC Meet-Up Poster[12]
Until tomorrow sweet friends. Off to refinance the home! fun, fun!


  1. So jealous you got to go to "District 12!" I loooove Hunger Games!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. This is SO COOL! I have found some amazing ed resources about the Hunger Games. What student's wouldn't love to take a trip to the "actual" District 12? So neat, thanks for sharing.

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L's Whole Brain Teaching

  3. Ahhh...so jealous of your day trip to District 12! I absolutely love The Hunger Games! How weird is it that my 'lil town in Texas would be under water according to the Panem map...too weird! Lol!

  4. Ahhh...so jealous of your day trip to District 12! I absolutely love The Hunger Games! How weird is it that my 'lil town in Texas would be under water according to the Panem map...too weird! Lol!

    1. Under water? Imagine Mexico and Canada. I do wonder what happened to bring this about.

  5. Ohmyword, that is so cool!! Can we have a blogger meet-up in District 12? :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  6. How cool is that?!? I love The Hunger Games & that is so neat that you got to visit where they filmed! Great pictures!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. I love Hunger Games. I like to believe I was one of the first who started reading them. I feel like I read them so long ago. I loved the first movie. I thought it followed the book really closely.
    The Hive

  8. Not to sound redundant, but that's pretty cool that you were able to stroll the real streets from the movie.


notes to the teacher