19 May 2012

Top 10 pins of the year linky!

pinterest was like a curse Godsend this past summer
I kept finding new and better ways to organize, decorate, make things pretty, teach!
I wanted to share my top pins that I felt made my tear better is some way and see what you all thought too! So link up! Use this little button to share on your blog if you like!
pinterest linky
I used an awesome site called photocollage.net. I uploaded my pin pictures and selected a collage template and the rest was done for me! Now to explain a few. Each picture is linked to the pin

truly, it is. I bought one the same day I pinned it. I trained each student individually. for.real. they had to show me they could operate it without tearing it up. They destroy many things so I wasn’t kidding around. Love it!
this is my attitude this year! snarky maybe, but it’s kept me trucking! plus, I love some e-cards! hil.ar.i.ous!
this little pin began “craft night” parties for me and my gals. We began monthly ones and they have trickled down to none lately, but this summer we will pick it back up! We’ve made goodies for classroom and home, too! Each of us made these pumpkin topiaries.
I love a good bird. Birds and trees cover my classroom. I loved this board and had to recreate it. I ripped an old bookshelf backing off, painted it with leftover boy’s room paint, added a tree limb, then used spray Elmer’s adhesive to keep my scrapbook birds and leaves on. It’s a huge piece of art sitting on top of my built ins in my classroom and catches your eye instantly! It just makes me love my room more!
again, birds. I used scrapbook paper along a cork strip for a work display this year. Each paper has a Cricut cut birdie in coordinating paper! its too much! then, I just stuck a colored paperclip on each and change them out every few weeks. I love how it looks on my back wall! I added “work to tweet about” and a big tree to the wall too.
these are some trees I purchased and am going to add to the room for next year. I had to include this pin because I go and look at it all the time waiting for the chance to decorate for next year!
these are important to me because they really jumpstarted my own TpT selling. With Deanna Jump’s permission, I recreated these for my own grade level and they have sold like crazy. I have since redone them in several ways and themes.
After pinning these, I already had the clipart, so I added some cute little frames, cropped off the heads, and had a brand new {not to mention super cute} job chart. I have it on a cork board and they LOVE changing out their little heads! so freakin cute!


  1. fun linky party! I love the pumpkins.

  2. I find it amazing that I hadn't seen any of these pins before! Too cute! I'm excited to see what everyone else links up!

  3. Love this LINKY idea!!! So fun! :)
    I just linked up!

  4. I'm your newest follower!

    Love this linky party. I promise to link up as soon as I get home :)

    Color Me Kinder

  5. thanks for this linky party, its helping to fuel my pinterest addiction.
    Will you run this again at the start of the school year to see what everyone finds next?
    I'm your newest follower!

  6. That's a great idea mrs D. The summer is my addiction time!

  7. I love your Pins! I'm following your pinterest board now!


notes to the teacher