13 December 2014

The final giveaway! Merry 12 Days of Teaching and $50!

I know I have had a blast over the past 2 weeks posted freebies and deals! I love getting emails from winners who thought they'd never win! Why it was MERRY. VERY! 
(ok-I have heard How the Grinch Stole Christmas for 5 days in a row now plus the last 5 years, too! I know all the lines people and I use them willy nilly!)

So Jessica and I are each giving $25 to the winner for a total of $50! Plus, I took out some extras that didn't quite fit in my It's a Common Core Christmas anymore and added them as a freebie right in the rafflecopter just like before!
oh, and did I mention that BOTH my BIG holiday files are HALF OFF!

I hope you have loved playing along even though my life got a little hectic and I got half of the giveaways posted late! 
Good Luck!!


  1. I've entered the contest! But I wanted to let you know that the link for Jessica's Blog Pin Board is the same link for your board.

  2. Hi Rachel, thanks again for running such an amazing 12 days of Christmas, Jess and yourself are like the Ellen of teacher bloggers! I have entered the competition but my computer is in for repairs so there is no way for me to save the file on my phone. Is there anyway you could possibly email me the files just this once?
    Thank you so much, if you can't that's also ok. My email is sheriryan8@gmail.com
    Sheri :)

  3. My finger got trigger happy and I clicked before I got your free file. Is there any way you could mail it to me too? lraines78@gmail.com (sorry)

  4. Thanks for your great Giveaway. Have a wonderful Christmas.


notes to the teacher