04 December 2014

12 Days of Merry Teaching Day 2

We hope everyone enjoyed the freebie yesterday! And Since I was too tired to try to separate the two files...you got BOTH activities for free! These are now listed on TpT and no longer free, so be sure you download your freebies each day!
and here's the deets in case you're new to the game today!
it's 12 days long (you know-12 days of Christmas)
-There are 12 DIFFERENT giveaways (11 now)
-Each giveaway only lasts 24 hours
-Each giveaway will be 'giving away' different products
-There may or may not be a freebie waiting inside of each one after you enter.?! hm....
... So, you may or may not want to check our blogs each day to
1. Enter the giveaway & 2. Grab a holiday freebie! (They're good... and they're not all in our stores)!

Today you can enter to win these items:
(I would do it if I were you... there is a freebie waiting for you after you enter)
An extra 'entry' may or may not appear with a link to your freebie... hmmm....? ;)

Jessica's Language Task Cards (Holiday Edition!)and Rachel's Winter Holidays PowerPoints! that are currently getting a facelift with photos, so I will be sure the winner gets those as well!

Good Luck! And don't forget to download your free from Jessica today, because tomorrow it'll be gone!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

notes to the teacher