23 November 2014

A quick Thanksgiving giveaway!

Need some quick and dirty this week...I know I do! Last week I used my How Thanksgiving Became a Holiday and read Thank You, Sarah five days in a row...
I have 12 of these trait maps in my room!

This class needed less "freedom" and more focused learning, so we used the article instead of the book

and more maps!

so I figured why not extend my lessons with Jessica's amazing Sarah Hale unit she JUST posted! We will be using a lot from this so they can work quietly at their seats while I await Wednesday on those reading skills and some turkey inferencing I'm working on right now!

This is just like my Unwrap an Inference and A Valentine's Mixup...but with turkeys of course!
#alwaysworking #alwaysprocrastinating

Anywho, we've teamed up to bring you BOTH our products! It's a quick giveaway (ends Monday night) and you could always use it when you go back after Thanksgiving (or next year too...!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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notes to the teacher