13 August 2014

Wishlist Wednesday Word Sorts!

This magical little product came out of necessity when we were asked to use Words Their Way in 2nd grade. I loved WTW, but I had only used it with fourth graders and I had been trained in grad school...in other words...that professor's Words HER Way! I am all about fidelity when my admin asks me to do something. Especially in the beginning. Let's face it, when it comes to research-based programs...they are based on research folks! Who am I to question decades of research!
So anyway, I made anchor charts with my little 2nd graders each time I introduced a new word sort. We do a sort each morning (I have my schedule in this product). I got the hang of having 4 different spelling groups on four different patterns down pretty quick with this method!
Then during word work time, students chose a sort to practice prior to the activity. There are partner sorts and individual sorts.
This file has all the anchor charts, center or task cards that explain the sorts in student friendly terms, and suggested use and schedule.
I am actually working on updating the look of the file, but not the content! So if you purchase it now, you'll get the updated look in a few days! and it's on sale NOW!
and just so you know, these sorts go with ANY spelling list! Not just WTW!!

read more about Words Their Way in my classroom

I guess I was into owls when I made this!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I used Words Their Way during my student teaching. This resource looks awesome! How can I enter to win?? mrsruffin924@gmail.com

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with WTW...
    Many teachers in my district give HW for the sorts. Do you? I know the it's not supposed to work this way. It's been a major headache for three years for various reasons. This year, I'm not sending it home and am sticking to how it's supposed to be. Love your charts! Very cute!

    Will read the linked post...Thanks!

    First Grade Bloomabilities

  3. I love this file! I have used WTW before but haven't in a couple years for various reasons. But I am going to use it this year no matter what! I love this file, it's super cute and helpful :)


notes to the teacher