24 May 2013

five for friday {summer vacay edition}

techincally not quite vacay time
I still have a workday Tuesday
and I will be doing portfolios because I am a slacker...
but not next year thanks to some recent pinning!

Here's my random five for friday!

 I finally took the plunge! And got my teammie one too so I'll be forced to use it! that's too much money to waste, right!?

my baby {ok, he will be fourteen Sunday!} was awarded a scholarship for a little over 800$ at his 8th grade graduation! He was in the top 10 in his class! #proudmama

We had a real life BMX stunt show for our PBIS end of year reward. It was awesome! So good in fact I thought I was going to puke a few times! 
Here he is jumping over 4 students and the two other riders!
I kept thinking "fry like bacon!" haha! 
I always think of Dazed and Confused at the end of the school year!

Here's a peek at our last bulletin board. 
We wrote about what we were or were wanting to do this summer
it's from Hope's file!
I loved all of it, but only had time for this writing!
I loe how they posed for these "thinking" pictures!
they are priceless!
and yes, I wrote one too!

and here's a few snapshots from awards day!
We went with the Hollywood theme!
We had a popcorn bar and as you can see-only raisins were left!
I'm pretty sure by the time 11:30 rolled around I had taken down half the M&M's!
My top hat was a hit! I got this at Party City along with a paparazzi scene maker and a red carpet!

now go and link up so I can see all your random moments from the week!


  1. Your family is SO cute, Rachel!!!

    And AWESOME decision on the planner!! I bought my second one and it's on the way! That was SO sweet that you got one for your teammate!

    Have a great weekend :)

    Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit!

  2. Yay for your son, Rachel! What a great picture of you guys! I bought one of her planners a few weeks ago too. I am still somehow forgetting everything I need to do! Ha. Hope it's more successful for you! Happy Friday!

    Lucky to Be in First

  3. Hey, I love this blog! I stopped by from Doodle Bugs randomly!
    I was reading your "about" section - I'm 5'2 and hubby is 6'4, so I can relate!
    Whimsy Workshop


notes to the teacher