29 April 2012

Bye, bye love

Sitting in a taxi
Headed to O'hare
Listening to the hubs talk up the cabbie
He's so nice {my man that is. The cabbie's from Somalia and his kids are still there. I can't imagine}
There is a tv in this taxi which is a little weird

Just a little reminder that tomorrow {Monday the 30th} is the last day to enter my giveaway and win the 31 gift card!  Just be sure to enter from this link. Spread the word so I can offer TWO giftcards!!

And here are some Windy City highlights. I hate I'm missing the IRA conference by one day!
Just a footnote. I don't normally snap pictures at Walgreens. But that's Coach Ditka!

the view from 106 stories up at Willis Tower {Sears Tower}
A HUGE Marilyn statute downtown on Millennium
the "silver man" this week
and here he is In July 2010 the first time I saw him! Nothing changes!
Coach Ditka at Walgreen's

Snow on the rooftops on Day 2. It was 80 at home!

Sitting on air!

how many Rachel's does it take to make a skyscraper. about 348!


  1. I live in the suburbs and I haven't been to the top of the Sears Tower!! I should put that on my summer to-do list!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. You are in our neck of the woods- we are in the suburbs!!! Sorry the weather is not nice for you :( I hope you are enjoying the conference! I am jealous I am not there!
    :) melissa


notes to the teacher