16 April 2012

and the first day back

Picture it.
Little home in NC
teacher mom getting dragging herself perkily getting ready for first day back after 10 days off
said teacher mom yelling calling for her 7 year old to get up
need to leave at 7:05
said 7 year old getting up at 7:10
drag him into car crying
drive in silence as he continues to cry
walk in as the bell rings
coaxing son inside the building
it really goes on this way until I threaten to call dad, then I tug him on to his room
luckily my students are half asleep this morning
So what does the teacher pack for lunch the first day back from Spring Break?
thank goodness Target still had a stash of mini-eggs for my week!
Well the first day back I promised myself I would not fuss at all!! I did ok…they did ok. I actually had one little one fall asleep before 8am! And I let her.
The first thing we did was fill out a 5W’s and H about Spring Break
who doesn’t have a bazillion things to say about Spring Break!
I pass out the sheet and they excitedly write because if it’s not written they can’t talk about it
oh the little caveats!
Here’s the sheet if you're interested. I know most of you have been back, but tuck it away in the next year file!


After a few easy going mini-lessons, we worked to finish up our Nonfiction Expert Posters
they are really turning out great!

here are a few of MY favs

favorite map
favorite comparisons
another favorite comparison
favorite use of color
favorite title
favorite diagram
and these two will be stunning once they are finished! WOW!
tomorrow they gotta get finished and we will begin sharing in class and using our rubrics to score them
I also began our sound unit today. I will post more later on, but here’s a freebie I use to introduce volume and sound.
We go on a free field trip-right around the school
they use this sheet, a clipboard, and a pencil
I stop every now and again to give them a chance to jot things down
Enjoy! click to download from TpT


notes to the teacher