15 March 2012

PTSD {People tryin.to.move.on.after Seuss Day}

So Read Across America week has come and gone. Dr. Seuss celebrations are over
Now what??
Well, I have really tried to e-x-t-e-n-d things this year. We were still doing Dental Health this week…
I don’t mean to drag things along, in fact, I hate it
But between Pinterest and Blogging I just find too much I wanna do!
SO to carry along with Seuss and cover Questioning, and Summarizing, and St. Patty’s…
We read Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? and introduced Questioning {real questioning, not constant blurting from 7 year old minds questioning} with Schlopp.
I thought this was the perfect segue into how thinkers question all the time.
We had Schlopp last Friday, so Monday I asked what their questions about the food were before they ever saw it, after seeing it, while eating, and lingering questions. I did finally give in and admit the ingredients. I guess some figured out I didn’t really go to Who-Ville…
We’ve also done this on stickies while previewing One Dark Night from the basal, while reading Grandfather Twilight {my personal fav for questioning} and will read the Sweetest Fig tomorrow-any VanAllsburg book is a constant questioning fiesta. They are good for lingering questions.
After reading Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? aloud {which I’d never read before and had to practice first!} we brainstormed 3 reasons we are lucky then wrote stories to hang with our Lil’ Leprechaun Cuties from First Grade Fever. And boy will some tears fall from mommas’ eyes when these go home! Precious!! You can get my I am Lucky to be Me writing paper on TpT here…but I won’t share the bulletin Board heading since I remade them from Lesson Plan SOS blog. Open-mouthed smile
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Yes, did I mention we just wrapped up dental health…I am adding this activity to my toofy packet! The kiddos wrote facts they learned from our nurse on big teeth and we made a big ol’ mouth in the hallway! cute! Our lip got a little ripped and I really contemplated adding a lip ring…
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Are you ready for a little St. Patty’s fun tomorrow. We went ahead and wrote our Snazzy Snack recipe today to save time tomorrow and I left little pots of gold for each kiddo for a morning surprise! Can’t wait to share pictures! {fyi-I fixed 2 grammatical errors in my St. patty’s minibook, so redownload if you purchased!}


notes to the teacher