08 February 2012

A Completely Random Post {but with a Freebie!}

This week has been a flurry of finishing tidbits from our “Snow Day” last week and preparing for student-led conferences tomorrow night!
Not to mention Monday was the 100th day and I did not get to half of what I needed wanted to do!
No to mention my iPhone camera has been extremely finicky this week and not even opening at times…I really depend on it and iCloud to get pictures from here to there.
I love iCloud photo stream! bad!
One thing I had to get done was my bulletin board.
We have to have a book theme for Reading Night {also tomorrow night…} and lucky for me my fav February board is The Crayon Box that Talked.
I found a great poem and lesson online last year that I loved
Then I bought Amy Lemons’ Black History Month pack and combined the ideas.
love this one. I am unique because I listen to Korean music and no one else in my class does.
This is my favorite “boy one”! I drew flames for one and they all had to!

I ended up stapling them to a heart centerpiece so they were popping out a little. I love how it turned out. Though I need to add something to the sides…
As mentioned, we did finally have our Snow Day last week.
In near 70 degree winter weather mind you
One of their favorites was Christina’s Dream Snow predictions.
I knew all those boxes of transparencies would come in handy one day!
No one had the book, but I read Snow Day earlier and we were noticing how the objects that got covered could still be made out. Then we ended up watching Dream Snow on YouTube
Gotta love it!
IMG_0254 IMG_0255 
cute! and educational…their clues are pretty adorable
On to the freebies…
I want to share how I have my students stay on track at their conferences
I am not involved whatsoever other than my presence in the room.
I send home an invite a couple weeks before explaining how this is their child’s time to shine, etc.
We go through our data binders feverishly each day the week of…
Then I have a drop-in session from 3-6 pm to accommodate parents who work and those who may not
The students will get these brochures tomorrow and make sure they can 1. find these items and 2. explain how we use them to become smarter!
here’s the inside that serves as a checklist
viewer (1)
and here’s the outside where we sign our names and write our class promise from the beginning of the year.
Now I did put this in GoogeDocs, but keep in mind it’s pretty much tailored to me!
My kiddos are also completing a 100th Day Reading Challenge-they are to read 100 minutes, easy…
the caveat…they have to draw the clock hands and figure out the elapsed time…
we just finished our time unit so it worked out perfectly.
Here’s the log in Google Docs {click picture to download}
viewer (2)


1 comment:

  1. I love that book! I just discovered it back in January and it has become a fave :) I also did the snow activity with my kiddos, yours turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing these great freebies! You rock lady :) Have a great night!

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade


notes to the teacher