15 February 2012

$300 Can Buy...

not too many books from Barnes and Noble!

I recently worked with our local university {and my undergrad Alma mater} on the annual Little Read event for our district.
And I got paid in BOOKS!
I spent a long time choosing books
why is it always harder to spend money when it's not yours??
I recieved them all at once and wanted a meanigful way to introduce them to the classroom library, so I made "New Book Review" slips for the kiddos to fill out
We've been learning how to determine importance, so this was a perfect tie in
They each chose a book to review, read it independently {I chose appropriate ones from lower readers} and then we taped the reviews inside the cover.
Next we shared with a partner
Lots were immediately tucked into book boxes! Yay!
Here's the book review freebie on TpT

What else have we been up to? Air! I love our Air and Weather FOSS kits. The lessons are air and so engaging and just plain fun!
water fountains
keep the paper towel dry!
Babbling Abby's moustache freebie!
We focused on quotations with this one


  1. I love the idea of the kids reviewing the new books. Hey- if you can't get paid in cash, books are the next best thing!

    Following your cute blog!

  2. having problems with matter unit from teacher notebook. pages print real funky



notes to the teacher