30 October 2011

Halloween Day Plan Book Peek

Halloween on a Monday? The gods must be unhappy with us! But to make the best of this tomorrow, here are my plans for the day…and some freebies for you, too! FYI-I do 2-3 mini lessons during reading workshop.
Morning Work: My kiddos will be using their thinking skills on a Ponder the Picture activity from Ed Helper. I love these things even though I am not a huge Ed Helper fan.
Reading mini-lesson 1: Sequence review with Room on the Broom
Last week I read Room on the Broom as a read aloud. We will review it by putting some events on a flow map using First, then, next, last headings. After that, students will work in partners to fill out the main event story map.
Mini-lesson 2: Read aloud of Legend of Sleepy Hollow
I am reading the original spooky tale aloud to my kids. We will be focusing on inferring and visualizing. During the read aloud we will sketch the characters. After I read it aloud students will create a missing persons poster for Ichabod.
I created a packet of spooky fun for the story too. It includes:
-Legend of Sleepy Hollow text and link to online reading if you prefer
-visualizing the characters sheet
-Missing poster for Ichabod Crane
-What do you think happened sheet
-Comparing the movie to the book (we will watch the movie at the end of the day on You Tube)

in Math: Pattern Blocks and story problems
We will use this game from Math Wire. I used it last year! Love it! Students compete to finish the pumpkin face first. We will then begin our October Snazzy Snacks: Marshmallow Spiders! Here are last year’s pictures.

At the end of the day we will watch The Legend of Sleepy Hollow {Disney version} and compare it to the text I read to them. It’s a childhood fav of mine!
Oh…and I will be gifting this babies from target!

You can download the tags I made here
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Legend of Sleepy Hollow ideas! I will be stealing these! Thanks for sharing!


notes to the teacher