27 July 2011

100 followers and a freebie!

I finally printed out all my goodies from the Lesson Plan SOS ladies for guided reading. I was simply raptured by how easy they explain everything and lay it right out! Those files are a goldmine if you don't already have them-go scoop em up on TpT! I change how I do reading groups each year because I am never satisfied, but I am always willing to adapt and remain flexible!
That said-I had to redo the reading group posters to match my "scheme"-I don't stick to a theme, more a color scheme! I am sharing these and several examples of how I would set them up. I don't know my kiddos yet so obviously I don't know how many groups. Last year I only had 4, and that's my plan again. I also can't decide between Harry Potter names or travel sites (you'll see what I mean...). Hope you can adapt and enjoy!

Guided Reading Groups Poster
My favorite idea was putting their little faces on the reading groups poster and writing the title of their current book on a sticky. Such a good display!
Just fyi-alphabet and cliaprt from lettering delights, fonts from kevin and amanda! I always wanna know that stuff! =)


  1. Thanks for sharing, and thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!!!

    1st Grade with Miss Snowden

  2. Thanks Rachel! Love these guided reading posters and this is one of my favorite LD alphabets! I have a little classroom poster on my new "work-in-progress" blog, using the same alphabet, in case you're interested!


notes to the teacher